Chapter 32 - Liy

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Now, I had to find all of my friends and tell them that the entity has Remote. First, I had to figure out where Bottle would be since she doesn't usually go home because of her dad. I checked all of the places I had seen her recently, but I had no luck.

"Hm, maybe I should ask some of her old friends," I pondered.

I knew where one of her old friends, Winner, lived. They had told me their address during high school since they hosted a party or two. I pedaled down to their address to see if they had any information I could use.

I stumbled upon their house. It was rather huge. I knew that they and their friend, Loser, used to live together. As a result, their house would be rather spacious. I rang the doorbell.

"Door's unlocked, come on in," I heard a voice from inside.

I slowly opened the door and saw Winner studying something.

"Oh! Hi, Liy! That rhymes hehe," Winner chuckled.

"Funny. Anyway, I came here to ask you a question," I stared at Winner, deadpan.

"What is it?" Winner curiously asked.

"Well, have you seen Bottle over the summer at all?" I asked.

"Yeah! We hang out a bit. Why?"

"Do you know where she is right now?"

"Yeah, she's at the arcade. She texted me that she loves playing the games there and that she usually goes to relieve stress."

"Got it, thank you so much, Winner," I smiled.

"No problem."

I rushed out of the house and mounted my bike again. I was determined to find Bottle. Sure, she would be pissed off at me for punching her in the face, but it was worth a shot.

I parked my bike and sprinted down the block. I made it to the arcade in no time, bumping into multiple people on the sidewalk as I ran down the street.

The arcade doors swung open. I rushed inside and immediately saw Bottle playing Street Fighter on an arcade machine. She was mashing the buttons with all of her might, and I rushed over to her in the blink of an eye.


Bottle didn't look over and continued to play the game.

"What do you want?"

I didn't get time to explain before Bottle started talking again.

"You see that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you," Bottle angrily spoke.

"It got Remote."

"The fuck are you talking about?" Bottle rolled her eyes and continued to play without even glancing over at me.

"The entity! It got Remote."

Bottle heard this and immediately stopped playing. She turned over to me and stared me in the eyes. Instead of rage, I saw concern. She just stared at me without saying a word.

"Listen, I know you're mad at what I did. I'm sorry, but-"

"Let's hit the road." Bottle cut me off.

Bottle sprinted over to the same place where she parked her bike. I followed in pursuit. We sprinted down the block and unlocked our bikes.

"Where are all the others?" Bottle asked.

"That's what I'm doing right now. We have to gather everyone if we wanna have a chance at taking this thing down for good." I stated.

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