Chapter 34 - Bottle (PART 1 OF 2)

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I followed the childlike figure through the sewer. It was hard to see the figure in the dark, but my flashlight illuminated enough area for me to see it in the dark. I ran behind it for about five minutes until the figure led me to a giant room. This room was more grotesque than anything I had ever seen before. Here, there were bodies of multiple children and teens, all scattered around the floor. This room was bigger than anything I had seen. The ceiling stretched miles into the air and there was a pile of items in the middle of the room. There were also objects lining the edges of the giant room, which seemed to stretch about 200 feet across.

While chasing the figure, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was Remote. She was sitting on top of one of the sewer pipes. Her eyes were white and she was in a trance. I paused for a moment and tried to reach her, but she was too high up. I looked back over and saw the kid running away.

I followed the kid, but not before looking back at Remote, who was still in a trance.

"I'll come back for you, Remote,"

The figure ran through another doorway, leading me to a slightly smaller room in the sewer.


We all walked through the sewer. It didn't take much longer for Tree to calm down.

"Bottle?" I called out, shining my flashlight in front of me.

"Bottle!," Liy called behind me.

As we walked through the sewers, the water went up to our ankles, soaking our shoes in the process.

I tripped over something in the water, resulting in me falling into the dirty water.

"Don't be so clumsy dude, it's graywater," Tree watched.

I started to get up, but then I saw something. Two skulls with flesh still on them floated to the surface. We all screamed in terror and ran through the sewer.


I continued walking through the sewers, chasing the figure. I made it into a smaller room, but that's when the footsteps of the small child stopped. I looked around the small room with Lightning's gun raised at my side.

I continued walking through the room until something caught my eye. It was... my little brother? He stood in the middle of the room and I carefully approached him, still thinking my brain was playing tricks on me.


It was a stormy day. Today I was sick, missing out on some middle school exams. I didn't get sick often, but when I did, I wouldn't say I liked it. I blew my running nose on a nearby tissue. I checked the time. 7:00 in the morning. I decided to go back to sleep, but my door slowly opened.

My little brother walked in with a look on his face. He had a raincoat on and was about to go outside.

"Bottle?" My little brother asked.

"Yes, Flasky?" I sickly answered.

"Can you still come to school with me? My school is right next to yours," My little brother asked.

"I would if I wasn't dying," I smiled.

"Not dying!" He frowned.

"Didn't you see the vomit coming out of my nose?"

"That's disgusting."

"Hey, I have an idea! Can you go get me that box from my closet?"


My little brother walked over to the closet and retrieved a small box.


I opened it and found what I had been looking for. I pulled out a heart-shaped magnet, which could split into two. One half of the heart said "Best" and the other half said "Friends". I split the magnet and gave my brother half of it.

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