Chapter 13 - Battle at the Ministry

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~Harry's POV~
Me, Bella, Hollie and Edward lead Umbridge into the Dark Forest.
"How much further?" she asks.
"Not far," Edward says. "It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally."
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Improvising," he says.
He leads us to where Grawp was tied up but he's gone and the rope that was tied round his leg is broken.
"Well?" Umbridge asks. "Where is this weapon?"
We all look at each other in silence.
'What are you going to do now?' I ask Edward in my mind.
"There isn't one, is there?" Umbridge asks. "You were trying to trick me."
We say nothing.
"You know... I really hate children."
There's a rustling sound behind her and she spins round before backing towards us in fear as the Centaurs appear.
"You have no business here, Centaur," she says from behind us like a coward. "This is a Ministry matter."
They move closer and I begin to wonder if they're going to hurt us as well.
"No, they won't," Edward assures me.
One of them draws an arrow and loads its bow.
"Lower your weapons," Umbridge demands but she remains behind us. "I warn you, under the law, as creatures of near-human intelligence..."
He fires and I duck but Umbridge shields herself.
"How dare you? Filthy half-breed."
She casts the Incarcerous spell on him, sending thick ropes round his neck, strangling him.
He falls down and begins choking so Bella goes to him and tries to help.
"Please. Please stop it. Please," she begs.
"Now, enough," she screams. I will have order."
At that moment, Grawp appears behind her and picks her up, breaking her concentration so the Centaur is released and they all go after her.
"You filthy animal," she screams. "Do you know who I am?"
The Centaurs try grabbing her, and Grawp doesn't know what's happening.
"Don't hurt him," Bella cries but one of the Centaurs fires an arrow at Grawp's arm so he drops the headmistress which give the Centaurs a chance to get her.
"Miss Swan, do something," she pleads.
"Right, now she gets my name right," I smirk.
"Tell them I mean no harm."
"I'm sorry, professor. But I must not tell lies."
"What are you doing?" she screams as they carry her away. "I am Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge. Let me go!"
"Thank you Grawp," Bella says as he pulls the arrow from his arm.
"Guys, come on," Hollie says. "We have to help Sirius."
We turn and race through the forest.

When we reach the bridge, we are met by the others.
"How'd you get away?" Hollie asks.
"Puking Pastilles," Ginny says. "It wasn't pretty."
Ron hands us our wands.
"Told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets," he says. "They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves."
"That was clever, Ron," Bella says.
"Has been known to happen."
"It was brilliant," Hermione smiles.
"So how are we getting to London?" Neville asks.
"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you," Bella says. "But we've got you into enough trouble as it is."
The four of us who were in the forest walk past our friends as if to leave them behind.
"Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real," Neville complains. "Or was that all just words to you?"
"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourselves, guys," Ron says.
"So how are we going to get to London?" Bella says.
"We fly, of course," Luna smiles.

~Bella's POV~
It was hard convincing the others that the Thestrals are real but when we did, it wasn't long before we were on our way to London on the back of these creatures.
When we get to the Ministry, security it pretty loose and we get to the door I saw in my dreams - the door I saw at my hearing - without anyone stopping us.
We move slowly towards the door.
"This is it," I say.
We go inside and it's dark so we all light up our wands. The room is full of shelves which are full of crystal balls.
"We're looking for shelf 97," I say before I hurry on without them, counting the shelves. I get to 95 before the aisle leads off in two different directions.
I turn back to the others.
"He should be here."
"Bella," Neville says as he looks at one of the balls on the shelf. "It's got your name on it - yours and Harry's."
Me and Harry move closer as the ball becomes to churn.
I lift it off its stand and take a closer look.
"The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches," it says. "And the Dark Lord shall mark them as his equal but they shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither party can live while the other survives."
"Bella," Bam says and with the ball still in my hand, I turn to see a Death Eater approaching.
We all draw our swords.
"Where's Sirius?" I ask.
"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..."
He draws his sword.
"And reality."
He removes his mask to reveal Lucius.
"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see."
Emberlee pushes past everyone, as herself.
"What did you do to Draco?" she demands.
"Ah, Emberlee, I had hoped to see you again. Where are my grandchildren?"
"You'll never get them," she hisses. "Now answer the question."
"Draco is one of us now, courtesy of the Imperius Curse."
"You evil bastard," she screams before she tries using the Cruciatus Curse on him but he shields himself and uses the stunning curse on her, knocking her unconscious.
"Now, hand me the prophesy."
"If you do anything to us, I'll break it."
There's sinister laughing behind him and a strange looking woman appears.
"She knows how to play," she says. "Itty, bitty baby. Potter."
"Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville says.
"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's Mum and Dad?"
"Better, now they're about to be avenged."
He lunges forward with his wand and she raises hers but I stop him.
"Now, let's everybody just calm down shall we?" Lucius says. "All we want is that prophesy."
"Why did Voldemort need us to come and get this?" I ask.
"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix asks. "You filthy half-blood!" she shouts.
"It's alright. She's just a curious young lady, aren't you?" Lucius says. "Prophesies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord?
He moves towards me and I look round but we are surrounded.
"Why he was unable to kill you when you were just infants? Don't you want to know the secret of your scars? All the answers are there, Swan, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."
"We've waited 15 years."
"I know."
"I guess I can wait a little longer. Now."
We all cast the Stunning Spell on the Death Eaters and make a run for it.
Lucius appears in front of us so we go another way.
They keep coming at us so we separate, Edward pulling me on his back and using his vamp speed.
We all catch up to each other and stop at a crossroads in the shelves.
Several Death Eaters charge towards us so Ginny blasts them with the Reductor Curse and a bright light flashes a few feet in front of us.
The crystal balls begin to fall off the shelves and come towards us like a wave.
"Get back to the door," Edward shouts so we begin running again.
We reach the door as the shelves fall all around us and when we go through, we fall and stop an inch off the ground before we land hard on the floor.
I still have the ball in my hand as we all stand and compose ourselves. I look round.
"Department of Mysteries," Ben says. "They got that bit right, didn't they?"
"Is everyone here?" Emmett asks as he looks round. "Harry, Hollie, Bella? Ben, Brandon, Hermione, Ryan, Merida, Ron? Neville, Luna, Emberlee, Jess? Ginny, Alice, Jasper, Rose, Edward?"
"We're all here, Em," Rose says.
I move up towards what looks like a portal and hear voices.
"Can you tell what the voices are saying?" I ask.
"There aren't any voices, Bella," Hollie says so I look at Harry.
"It must be your blood connection to Voldemort because I can't hear them."
"Let's get out of here," Hermione says.
"I hear them too," Luna says.
"Bella, it's just an empty archway," Hermione says but I ignore her. "Please, Bella."
I turn back towards the door and the Cullens stand with me.
"Get behind us," Jasper orders them so they do as he says before the door opens and the Death Eaters come into the room.
They fly around us and I drop to the ground, holding the ball tight to my chest until they stop.
I stand to see everyone is being held by a Death Eater and have wands pointed at their heads. Even the Cullens aren't strong enough to break free.
There's laughing as Lucius walks towards me.
"Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?"
He walks past me and I turn to look at him as he turns back to look at me, holding out his hand.
"I'll make this simple for you, Swan. Give me the prophesy now or watch your friends die."
I look around the room feeling helpless and my gaze falls on Edward who shakes his head.
"Get away from my Goddaughter," I hear a familiar voice and a small smile appears on my face when I see Sirius.
Lucius turns and Sirius punches him before the rest of the Order arrives in flashes of light.
The Death Eaters attack and a fight breaks out.
"Edward, Emmett, get the children out of here," Moody orders so the Cullens start gathering us up and begin leading us out of the room but I stop by the door and watch.
Harry and Hollie stop too and we watch the battle ensue.
One of the Death Eaters blasts at us but Moody stops them and then I hear...
"Avada Kedavra."
Bellatrix is standing on a rock with a grin on her face, looking towards Sirius but he's still standing.
He mouths 'sorry' to us before he disappears into the archway.
"NOOOOO!" Emberlee screams and it suddenly hits me that he's gone too.
I see Bellatrix snaking out of the room so I race after her, into the main corridor of the Ministry.
"I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black," she mocks. "You coming to get me?"
"Crucio," I scream, pointing my wand at her and she falls so I catch her up.
She stares at me, whimpering as I point my wand at her.
"You've got to mean it, Bella," I hear Voldemort's voice.
He's inside my head.
"She killed him. She deserves it."
My breathing gets heavy.
"You know the spell, Bella, you've used it before."
Bellatrix begins laughing and I feel him watching me.
"Do it," he demands.
I turn round and go to fire at him but he knocks the wands out of my hand.
"So weak."
Dumbledore appears from a fireplace.
"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way."
"By which time I shall be gone, and you shall be dead."
Dumbledore knocks me out of the way without harming me and Bellatrix disappears before the two greatest wizards of all time dual.
Several blasts hit the pillar I'm sitting against but I can't move.
Voldemort makes a fire snake appear and begins laughing before it lunges at Dumbledore, who manages to destroy it before blasting water at Voldemort, sealing him inside a huge water ball which he makes spin round as it travels around the room.
This gives me the opportunity to move from my semi-safe spot and stand next to Dumbledore.
Voldemort frees himself from the water ball and blasts Dumbledore but he manages to shield the attack as I move back.
Dumbledore is blasted back and I shield myself with only my arms as the glass in the offices above smash into hundreds of pieces and fall to the ground.
The Dark Lord makes the glass fly at Dumbledore who shields himself with magic.
Voldemort stops his attack and looks at the two of us as we look at him before he disappears.
I feel him inside me and I lose control of myself as I drop to the floor. Dumbledore turns and looks at me.
Voldemort tries taking over my whole body as Dumbledore gets to his knees in front of me.
"You've lost, old man," he says from inside me.
I try fighting him off but he's stronger than me.
He takes over again, making my bad memories flood my mind.
"Bella, it isn't how you are alike," Dumbledore says. "It's how you are not."
I can feel my spirit leaving me.
I see the others standing across the room and Edward races to my side, taking my hand.
"I love you Bella, you can do this. You are stronger than him; you are stronger than all of us. You are the strongest woman I've ever met."
I push with all my might and I can feel him losing but he pushes back so I start thinking of all my happy memories.
"You're the weak one," I say aloud. "And you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you."
He gives up fighting and leaves me, making me land on my back before he stands over me. I feel weak but my strength is flowing back into me, slowly.
"You're a fool, Isabella Potter. And you will lose everything."
I hear noises behind me but I'm too weak to move. I see Voldemort looking past me with slight concern on his face and that's when my strength is at its strongest again.
"My name is Bella Swan," I shout before I blast him away.
Edward helps me up and I turn to see Fudge standing there in disbelief. Behind him is Percy and loads of other Ministry staff.
"He's back," he says.
"Thanks for the insight, Minister," I say angrily before I take Edward's hand and walk towards my friends.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now