Chapter 34 - Changing

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~Bella's POV~
I open my eyes and look around.
I see the specks of dust in the air... I see the microscopic drop of water rolling down the vase... I see the writing on the picture which I never noticed before... I notice the microscopic dirt on the rug...
As I continue looking round, I realise I saw somebody standing by the door so I throw my gaze back. Edward comes into focus and he holds his hand out to me.
I hold up my hand and look at it before I stand and place my hand on his, running it up his arm and across his chest.
He places his hands on my face and I lean into his left hand.
"So beautiful," he says. "We're the same temperature now."
I move away and go look in the mirror. I then turn and pull Edward into a hug.
"Hey, Bella, you're alot stronger than I am right now."
I move back, releasing him a little.
"It's your turn not to break me."
I pull his lower part into me, making him moan a little.
"I love you," I say.
"I love you."
We kiss and then something occurs to me.
He chuckles.
"She's incredible."
"Where is she? I have to see her."
I move to leave.
"Wait. Wait."
I stop.
"You need to get your thirst under control."
I suddenly feel thirsty and touch my neck.
"Yeah, you'll need to hunt."

As I race Edward through the forest, I notice tiny flowers opening... a spider playing with a drop of water on a web...
Edward overtakes me and jumps so I jump too and end up jumping right over the waterfall.
We race to the top of the mountain before Edward stops me.
"Close your eyes."
I do and he turns me round.
"What do you hear?"
I hear an owl hooting... a squirrel squeaking... footsteps, and then...
My eyes shoot open and I follow the sound until I reach the rock above the deer. Edward appears beside me and nods.
As I get ready to pounce, a breeze blows past and I smell human sweat. I become alert and try to resist but then I smell human blood.
"Bella, don't."
I can't help it and run off.
As I near the cliff face, I jump and land a good ten feet up before I begin my ascent with ease.
When I reach the first ledge...
"Bella, stop."
I do, and Edward appears over the edge.
"I'm sorry; I didn't realize there'd be people this far from the trails."
I look up; the man is only about ten above me.
"I have to get out of here," I hiss.
"Okay, I can help you."
I just run and jump.

We track down the deer but as I'm preparing myself, I hear a growl and see a mountain lion also stalking my prey.
I look at the deer, then the mountain lion, and as it pounces, I pounce and take down the puma.

"Well, I'm amazed," Edward says as we near the house. "You ran away from human blood mid-hunt. Even mature vampires have problems with that."
I hear the door open and Jake comes out.
"You're still here," I say surprised.
"So are you. I didn't expect you to seem so you. Except for the creepy eyes."
He edges towards me.
"I would keep my distance for now," I warn.
"It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first."
"Since when do you care about Renesmee?"
He looks at Edward so I do too but neither of them answer my question.
"Alright," Jake says as he moves closer. "Take a whiff."
When he stops, I close the gap and sniff the air round him.
"Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink."
All three of us laugh.
Edward puts his arm around me.
"You guys really look great together."
"Want to come meet our daughter?" Edward asks.
Jake grins before turning and hurrying back into the house.
We follow and find the others gathered around Rosalie who I presume is holding Renesmee.
They all turn except Rosalie.
"Welcome to the family," Esme smiles.
"You look amazing, Bella," Alice smiles.
"Someone's been waiting to meet you," Carlisle says.
When we reach Rosalie, Edward gets her to turn round and I am shocked at how big my daughter is but she's beautiful.
I'm too mesmerized to move as my little girl smiles and gurgles at me. Rosalie holds her out and I take her.
I just stare at her as she smiles and talks to me in baby language. Then she puts her hand up on my cheek and images play in my mind of her inside me and just after the birth.
"What was that?" I ask without taking my eyes off her.
"She showed you the first memory she has of you," Edward says.
"Showed me how?"
"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted."
"I've only been out for two days?" finally taking my eyes off her and looking at Carlisle.
"Her growth rate is unprecedented," he says.
"Alright," Jake says, stepping forward. "That's enough experimenting for one day."
He reaches out for my daughter.
"Jacob," Edward says. "She's doing great."
"Yeah. Let's not push it though," Jake says and I look at him with confusion.
"What's your problem?" I ask, calmly as I move my daughter away from him.
"Oh," Rosalie smirks. "Do tell her, Jacob."
"This should be good," Emmett says, and I can tell he's smirking too.
"Hold on a second," Edward says before he takes Renesmee.
"Look," Jake says. "It's a wolf thing."
"What's a wolf thing?" I ask, a little less calm.
He looks round for help but Rosalie moves away from him.
"Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."
I suddenly realise what he's trying to tell me.
"Take Renesmee out of the room," I say, not taking my eyes off Jake. Edward puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Oh," Jake says, nervously.
"Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you."
Edward drops his hand.
"Oh," Jake says again, fear in his voice.
I grab the back of his neck, force him down and drag him outside before throwing him off the porch.
"You imprinted on my daughter?"
"It wasn't my choice!"
"She's a baby!"
"It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?"
"I'm still debating it," Edward says.
"I've held her once!" I say as I walk towards him. "One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!"
I punch him backwards about five feet and walk towards him.
Seth and Leah, in wolf form, turn up with Bam.
"It's fine, Leah," Jake says before he turns back to me.
"You're gonna stay away from her," I warn.
"You know I can't do that."
I punch him again.
"Stop her, Edward," Esme pleads.
"He said it's fine. She's amazing, right?"
Leah and Seth move over beside Jake but Bam stays where he it.
"Do you remember how much the pack wanted Nessie dead three days ago?"
"Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?"
I go for him again but Seth jumps in and I throw the young wolf against a tree before I realise what I've done.
Leah and Jake race over to him.
"Seth, are you okay?" Jake asks.
"Seth, I'm sorry," I say calmly.
He gets up and shakes himself off.
"He'll be alright," Jake says.
"Bella," Jake says as he walks back over to me. "You know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness... Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Nothing else matters to me anymore."
I just look at him, finally taking in everything he'd said.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now