Chapter 21 - Attack at the Weasley's

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~Bella's POV~

Carlisle writes to my parents on my behalf, stating I'm spending Christmas with Hollie and Harry.

I know they are going to be upset at the last minute change but Carlisle says, what with Emberlee missing, I'm vulnerable so I've been taken to the Weasley's with the others.

It's Christmas day but you wouldn't think it, but the Weasley's aren't exactly the wealthiest wizard family.

We've had dinner and I've just told the others about the Unbreakable Vow.

"Well Lucius said that Draco was under the Imperius Curse, and Edward confirmed that but he's told us what the mission is and things are in place."

"Are you going to enlighten us?" Harry asks.

"I'm afraid not," Remus says. "All you need to concentrate on is Slughorn."

"But is his mission to do with us?"

"No so forget about Draco."

But I don't want to drop this.

"People are disappearing, daily," Remus says.

"I know, our sister is one of them," Hollie says.

"Exactly so we only place our trust in a handful of people. Dumbledore trusts Snape so I do."

"But Dumbledore can make mistakes," I argue. "He's said it himself..."

"You're blinded by hatred, Bella."

"I'm not..."

"You are!" he shouts before he sighs. "Look, if we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed."

Tonks, who was sitting next to Remus, and who is about five months pregnant, stands and leaves the room. Remus goes after her.

Ginny sits next to Harry with a plate of cookies so Mr Weasley stands and leaves. I go after him.

I follow him into the potting shed.

"You'll have to forgive Remus," he says. "It takes its toll, his condition."

"Are you alright, Mr Weasley?"

"We're being followed, all of us. Most days, Molly doesn't leave the house. It's not been easy."

"Look, I'm really sorry I brought all this on you."

He looks at me before he turns and places both his hands on my shoulders.

"I know you blame yourself for his return but it could have just as easily been Harry. And if not, he would have found another way to come back. You were just lucky to be there."

I look at him oddly.

"How do you figure that one?"

"Well if you weren't there, in the graveyard, none of us would know of his return."

"I suppose but Cedric died, and it was my blood which brought him back."

"Cedric was an unnecessary sacrifice and did you give your blood willingly?"

"No, but..."

"Well then, you can quit blaming yourself."

"Thank you, Mr Weasley."

I give him a quick hug before I move back.

"Did you get my owl?"

"Yes, I did. I sent an agent to Borgin and Burkes and from what you described, what you saw was a Vanishing Cabinet."

"A Vanishing Cabinet?"

"They were all the rage when Voldemort first rose to power. You can see the appeal. Should Death Eaters come knocking, one simply had to slip inside and disappear for an hour or two. They can transport your anywhere. Tricky contraption though, very temperamental."

"What happened to it? The one at B & Bs?

"Nothing. It's still there."

"Bella, Remus and Tonks are leaving," Hollie calls.

Me and Mr Weasley go back into the house as Remus opens the front door.

"It was delicious, Molly, really," Tonks says.

"Are you sure you won't stay?"

"No, we should go. The first night of the cycle's always the worst."

"Remus," Mr Weasley says but Remus ignores him as he looks over the plain.

"Sweetheart," Tonks says with slight concern.

Suddenly, fire falls from the sky and sets the reeds alight, making a ring of fire around the house, leaving only a small gap. Then Bellatrix appears.

We all draw our wands so she grins and runs off so I chase after her.

"Bella, no!" the others shout but I ignore them. She killed Sirius, and though I have Charlie and Renée; Sirius was all Harry and Hollie had.

~Hollie's POV~

Remus races after Bella but the gap in the flames closes when she goes through and almost catches Remus.

I grab my broomstick and race out of the house.

"Hollie," Mrs Weasley shouts but I'm more interested in helping Bella. I land the other side of the fire wall and drop my broom before running into the reeds.

I hear Bellatrix shouting 'I killed Sirius Black' over and over but I can't see anything.

"You coming to get me?" she says with a hint of an evil grin and I follow her voice. "Bella, can you get me? You coming to get me?"

Man, she really is deranged.

I stop when the voice stops and I find myself standing in the water, surrounded by reeds.

"Bella?" I whisper, hoping she's nearby.

I hear the reeds rustling so move back, afraid of what's going to come out of them. It's a Death Eater.

"Stupefy!" I shout as I wave my wand at him.

He stops it and then Bella appears.

He flies away but we hear sounds all around us as we hold out our wands.

"Bella!" Mr Weasley calls. "Hollie!"

Tonks and Remus come out of the reeds and stand with us and the rustling of reeds are all around us and not from the wind.

Mr Weasley soon joins us.

One of the Death Eaters flies up out of the reeds in front of us and then another behind before they crash into the house, making it go up in flames.

"Molly!" Mr Weasley says before we all race back to the house. Mrs Weasley, Ginny, Ron, Fred, Harry and George are standing on the lawn watching their home burn.

Mr Weasley takes hold of his wife.

"I'm so sorry," Bella says before she sinks to the ground and weeps but Mrs Weasley takes her into her arms.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now