Chapter 36 - Ginny Arrives

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~Harry's POV~

Hollie moves a few feet away and holds up her hands, her wand in one of them.

"Protego Totalum," she says. "Salvio Hexia."

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Protective enchantments. I don't fancy another visitor like the one we had in Shaftsbury Avenue, do you? You can get going with the tent."

She continues the spell as she forms a circle round us, and Ben helps.

"Tent? Where am I supposed to find a tent?"

"Try the bag," Hermione suggests.

~Ginny's POV~

I'm sitting in the astronomy tower, alone, reading, when something lands in my lap and then a ball appears which automatically opens and I scream, pushing it away.

I go over to it and look inside. It's only two parchments inside so I take one out but it's empty so I put it onto the floor beside me and take out the other. The ball disappears.

'Dear Ginny,

This is Alice, I am writing to you because I know how much you want to be with Ron and Harry but they had to leave before you could reach them. Please find a parchment, which, when the first names of Rebel's children are uttered in alphabetical order, will reveal a world map with the location of every living being on Earth. To locate a specific person, just say Ubi est and the full name of the person you want to locate. To hide the map, making the whole parchment invisible, utter the middle names of Rebel's children, also in alphabetical order. To make the whole map reappear, utter the name Rebel's parents gave her.

If the ball disappears, simply say 'revelare' and it will reappear. It will always disappear once the contents have been removed.

Remember these instructions because as soon as you put this letter down, it will burn up.

Take care and give Harry and Hollie a big hug from Bella (but don't tell anyone I said that.

Lots of love


P.S. to send to messenger just tell it to go to the person and make sure you use the full name.'

I put down the letter and it burns up like she says so I pick the other parchment up and open it. It's about the same size as the Marauder's map.

"Draco, Remus, Tiger," I say and the whole world appears, both Muggles and Wizarding.

There are billions of dots.

"Ubi est, Harry James Potter," I say and the dots all disappear, leaving only one dot but it's not moving so either they don't move like they do on the Marauder's map or Harry isn't moving but he's alive which is the main thing.

I hear the door opening downstairs.

"James, Lily, Sirius," I say and the whole parchment disappears.

Neville comes in.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"I just came up here to think."

"You missing Harry?"


"You know you can always talk to me."

"That's sweet, Neville, but I'll be okay."

I couldn't tell him I was leaving.

He slowly makes his way back downstairs so I head down as well and go to my cabinet by my bed and take out a piece of parchment and a quill.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now