Chapter 33 - Protecting Bella

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As I ride back to the reservation, my conversation with Bella runs through my mind.
"Bam, I can do this, I'm not gonna die."
"Bella, let me help you, I will give you a baby if that's what you want."
"Bam, I can't kill him."
I pull up outside Emily's and luckily the whole pack are there.
They all look up at me when I walk in.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks.
"Bella's pregnant."
They all stare at me then look around at each other before looking back at me.
"Brandon did you and Bella see each other before the wedding?" Sam asks.
"Would I look this angry and upset if there was a chance she was carrying my baby?"
"What will it be?" Quil asks.
"I don't know but it's growing past, she already looks past due, and it's killing her."
"It's unnatural," Leah says.
"Dangerous," Jared says.
"Monstrosity," Quil says.
"An abomination," Paul says.
"On our land," Quil says.
"We can't allow it," Jared says and Quil repeats.
Paul repeats as well and then they all begin chanting it.
"Enough!" Sam shouts. "We have to protect the tribe. What they bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger."
"We're ready," Jared says.
"No time to waste," Leah says.
"Now?" Jake asks.
"We must destroy it before it's born," Sam says.
"You mean, kill Bella?" Seth asks.
"Her choice affects us all," Sam says.
"Bella's a witch," I say. "Your protection applies to her."
"She's dying anyway, Brandon!" Leah growls.
I pull out my wand but Jake stops me.
"We have real enemies to fight tonight," Sam growls.
"Tonight?" Jake asks.
"You will fight with us, Jake," Sam says as he squares up to him.
The others back away.
Sam stands over Jake as Jake lowers himself down to his knees and then lower.
"That's what I thought," Sam says but then Jake looks up and glares angrily at Sam.
"I will not," Jake says as he gets back to his feet. "I am the grandson of Ephraim Black..." He squares up to Sam who begins to back away. "I am the grandson of a chief!"
Jake moves closer to Sam, who bows his head slightly.
"I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else."
He grabs his jacket and races out of the house so I go after him but he must have phased because I can't see him.
Seth comes out.
"I'll find him," he says before he phases.
I climb into his back and we race into the woods until we near the Cullens.
I climb off Seth and he phases back so we walk over to Jake.
Jake looks round.
"Don't worry. They're not following us," Seth says.
"What do you think you're doing here, Seth?"
"I left Sam's pack."
"Go home, Seth."
"I won't stand behind him."
"Oh, yes, you will. I'm not kidding. Get out here."
"Jake, Seth loves Bella just as much as we do. He's not gonna stand behind Sam while they are setting out to kill her."
"Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay?"
"Great," Seth says. "And I've got your back."
"No, you don't. Neither of you do. If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?"
"If it's the right thing to do."
"And I couldn't care less about any of them," I say.
"What about Leah?" Jake asks. "I thought you and her had a thing going?"
"We started something but if she wants to stand behind Sam on this, she's history."
"Whatever," Jake says. "I'm gonna go give the Cullens a heads-up. You two do what you want."
Jake starts towards the house so we follow.
"How cool is this?" Seth says. "Two-man pack. Two against the world."
"Three," I correct.
"You aren't a wolf, Bam," Jake says without turning round.
We stop near the front of the house where Edward is standing on the balcony.
"Get ready," Jake says. "They're coming for Bella."
"They're not gonna touch her."
Edward goes into the house and then Leah shows up.
"Man, I can smell them from all the way out here."
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jake asks.
"I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed, or Brandon."
"Go away, Leah," Seth raises his voice. "I can take care of myself."
"That you think so proves you need a babysitter."
"Okay, would the both of you shut up?" Jake says.
They both look at him and so do I.
"Did Sam send you?"
"Sam doesn't even know I left."
There's howling in the distance.
"I think he just figured it out," I say.
"Jake," Leah says. "I know what his plan is."

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now