Chapter 23 - Collecting a Memory

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~Bella's POV~

As me, Hollie and Ben are making our way to the dorms, we see Draco heading up the stairs. He hasn't seen us so we follow him.

He goes into the Room of Requirements and pulls a cover from a cabinet which looks just like the one in B & Bs. He then takes a small bird out of a cage hanging from the rafters and places it inside.

He shuts the door and the bird's chirps stop so he opens the door again and the bird is gone.

He closes the door again and there's a quiet thud so he opens the door again but the bird is dead.

Frustrated, he slams the door shut and we come out of our hiding place.

"Where's our sister?" I demand.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demands.

"I won't ask you again."

"I'd forget about her, she'll be dead once the baby's born."

Baby? She's pregnant again and in Voldemort's clutches. That's not good.

"Did you force her?" I demand, pointing my wand at him. Hollie and Ben follow suit.

"I didn't have to. Your sister can't resist my... charms."

"You sick bastard. Reducto."

"Protego," Snape shouts as he steps in front of Draco. "Expelliarmus."

He disarms all three of us.

"You're a traitor, Snape," Ben hisses.

"Leave now," Snape says. "And no harm will befall you."

He looks serious and we are unarmed so reluctantly we turn and leave the room.

When we get to the common room, Harry is there.

"Where have you been?"

"We followed Draco to the Room of Requirements where he uncovered another Vanishing Cabinet," I tell him.

"He tested it on a bird but when the bird returned, it was dead," Hollie says.

"He's trying to get it to work," Ben says. "Trouble is, we don't know why?"

"Don't you see?" Harry asks. "First Katie, now Slughorn."

"Of course, it all fits now," I say.

"What?" Hollie asks.

"It's Dumbledore. Draco has been tasked with getting the cabinet to work so the Death Eaters can enter Hogwarts and kill Dumbledore."

"With Dumbledore gone, there's nobody protecting us," Hollie says.

"Exactly," Harry says. "Draco could have just killed us but Voldemort wants that pleasure for himself."

"We have another problem," Ben says. "Draco declared Emberlee is pregnant again."

Harry's eyes almost pop out of his head.

"If Emberlee is pregnant, once she's had the baby, Voldemort will come back more powerful than ever," he says. "There must be something we can do? Have you heard from Edward?"

"Not since they left to find her," I tell him.

"I hope they find her before its too late."

We're sitting together in the dining hall – me, Harry, Hollie, Ben, Bam, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ryan and Merida.

It starts snowing lightly.

"Stop it, Ron," Hermione says. "You're making it snow."

It stops and Harry wipes some off the table.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now