Chapter 47 - Deception

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~Harry's POV~

"Where's Bella?" I ask when I realise she's missing.

"She went into the side room," Edward informs me. "To get away from the blood," he whispers. I nod before I go towards the door to the side room.

"Harry, Bella, Hollie," Draco shouts as he runs into the hall, clearly out of breathe.

"Mr Malfoy, what is it?" McGonagall asks.

"It's not her," he breathes. "She changed."

"What are you babbling about, boy?" Slughorn asks.

"Emberlee, it's not her. It was Millicent."

I look at him with confusion.

"I was just sitting there, crying and holding her hand. I stood to give her one final kiss on the lips when she began changing and turned into Millicent Bulstrode. I found a canteen of Polyjuice Potion in her pocket and realised she was under the Imperius Curse. It was Millicent I killed in the Room of Requirements."

"So where's Emberlee?" Hollie asks.

"Voldemort must have her," Emmett says. "Remember his threat."

"We have to save her," Draco says. "He can make her tell him where the children are."

"Jasper, Alice, go to the safe house and move them to you-know-where," Carlisle orders.

"Are you sure?" Alice asks.

"It's our only option," Carlisle says.

Alice nods before she and Jasper apparate.

"Where are you talking about?" Ben asks.

"We can't tell you," Carlisle says.

"I'll get Bella," I say as I go to the door of the side room but she's gone.

~Bella's POV~

When I get to the edge of the forest, I take out the Snitch.

"I'm ready to die," I say aloud to myself before putting it to my mouth.

It opens and to my surprise, the Resurrection stone is inside.

"Hermione said Dumbledore had hidden something inside," I hear Harry say and turn to see him and Hollie standing behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You're our sister," Hollie says. "We're in this together. You die, we all die."

"Besides, he has Emberlee so we need to rescue her."

"Wait, Emberlee's dead."

"Actually, she's not. Long story," Harry says.

The stone rises from the Snitch and I make it land on my palm and close my fist around it.

I close my eyes.

"Bella," Harry says, shock in his voice so I open my eyes and see all those we loved and lost standing round us, including James and Lily.

Lily holds out her hand and all three of us go up to her but my hand goes right through hers.

"You three have been so brave."

"Why are you here?" Harry asks. "All of you?"

"We never left."

I nod and then watch as Harry goes over to Sirius.

"Does it... Does it hurt? Dying?"

"Quicker than falling asleep."

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now