Chapter 30 - Another Wedding

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~Bella's POV~
Its two days before Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding. We've been invited but we're not going because I'm in hiding.
Dad informed me that, for my own protection, he put my address down as 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, when they applied for Hogwarts; and as the Cullens never put a fixed address on the forms, I cannot be traced in Forks.
I'm sitting with Edward, reading a book out loud to everyone. Alice and Jasper are snuggled up together on the other side of the sofa; Emmett and Rose are on the armchair; Carlisle is leant against the wall with his arms round Esme as she stands in front of him.
"He is a kinsman to the Montague; affection makes him false; he speaks not true: Some twenty of them fought in this black strife, and all those twenty could but kill one life. I beg for justice, which thou, prince, must give; Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live..."
Alice gasps and we all look to her as Carlisle and Esme stand to attention.
"What do you see?" Jasper asks.
"Wanted posters of Harry... Pius Thicknesse as Minister and he's under the Imperius Curse and under Voldemort's control... Muggle-Borns being captured and killed..."
She comes out of her vision and I look at Edward with sadness but he just pulls me close and looks at Emmett who stands and leaves the room.
"What's going on?" I ask.
Edward manoeuvres himself so he's facing me.
"Bella, sweetheart, Emmett has been working on something new, an invention of sorts."
"An invention?"
"It's a way for us to communicate with anyone, secretly, and for them to be able to reply without being detected."
"Genius, what will... I mean, how will it work?"
"You'll find out but for now, all you have to concentrate on is keeping out of trouble and behaving like an ordinary human girl."
I smile.

Two days later, the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding; I'm having my dress fitting with Alice and Rosalie when Alice has another vision.
"Jasper, Emmett, Edward," I shout and I hurry out the other door in my dress as they come in but I listen.
"What's wrong, baby?" Jasper asks.
"You have to go, now," she urges. "They're going to attack the Burrow."
I take a peek and see the three boys have gone so I presume they've apparated so I go into the room.
"We need you to do something," Alice says.
"We need you to create a map of the Muggle and wizarding world because Edward has created a spell that can make another Marauder's map, only different."
"Okay," I say.

A few hours later, the three boys reappear and I throw my arms round Edward before moving back.
"Is everyone okay?"
"Harry and Hollie got out along with Ben, Ron and Hermione," Edward assures me.
"The Weasleys, Xenophilius and Luna are okay but we didn't get anyone else out so we don't know," Jasper says.
"How many people have to get hurt or die because of me?" I say as I begin to cry. "Maybe I should just hand myself in."
"That won't change anything, Bella," Carlisle says. "Voldemort will still find any excuse to kill, even if you and Harry are dead."
I bury my head in Edward's chest and cry.

Another two days later, I'm sitting with Edward and Alice, in front of a world map I have been working on since Bill and Fleur's wedding.
"Right," I say as I hold up the map.
Edward takes it and holds out his wand and performs the charm.
I look at the map and smile as hundreds of dots appear but no names so I look up at Edward.
"It's the whole world Bella," he says. "You can't expect it to show the names of over a billion people."
"So how do we find anyone?"
"Ubi est, Harry James Potter," he says as he puts his hand on the map and all the dots disappear, leaving only one.
"Okay," I say. "Is the other thing ready?"
"You mean the messenger?" Alice smirks.
"Sorry, I got a lot on my mind; I can't be expected to remember everything."
"It's okay sweetie," Edward says as he kisses me on the forehead.
Emmett brings over the messenger.
"I can see it."
"Seriously, Bella," Rosalie scowls. "Were you even listening?"
"Rosalie," Carlisle scolds.
She just glares at me as Edward takes the messenger.
"We put the map and letter inside and when we send it, it goes invisible until it reaches the one its being sent to," he explains as he opens it and puts the items inside.
"Right and are you sure it works?"
"Hey, give me some credit," Emmett sulks. "I am a genius."
"So who are we sending it to?" I ask, looking at Alice.
She has been watching the decisions of those most important to us.
"We're sending it to Ginny first," Alice says.
I nod
Edward says the incantation and the messenger goes invisible.
"Now we wait," Carlisle says.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 2 (continued from Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now