Who you are

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5:30 PM. The hour of liberation.

Good old bell rang loudly, cutting the teacher short in his long, almost boring, speech. The other students didn't waste a second to get up, pack their stuffs and run away from what many would call a hell hole. Needless to say, the name fitted your university perfectly, at least in your opinion.

You let everyone pass next to you as always, taking your time, then respectfully bade goodbye to the teacher. You were the only one to do so, and that made the old man smile a little.

He wasn't the worst around here. His methods were simply too ancient, inaccurate, so you needed to pay extra attention to get the lesson right. If you were honest with yourself, you were on pretty good terms with most professors of the establishment, though you sadly couldn't say the same about the other students living there.

To them, you were an outcast. Despite being an average person, they'd still find something to laugh at. It has been like this ever since you entered high school. Not that you ever understood why you turned into a scapegoat, yet this had been enough to break you from the inside. Although externally unfazed at their mockeries, deep down they only kept adding layers of nails in your already worn heart.

It turned you into who you were now, an introvert, scared of yourself and others. A shadow who did everything to hide away from the world.

That was precisely what you did, brushing softly against the cream colored walls, making yourself as small and invisible as you could to reach the future stop : your bedroom. When the university had opened a campus for the majority of their students, you tried- and succeeded- getting your own little place away from your parents and brother. Not that you didn't like them, it was just easier to be alone and hide away your pain.

Sadly, your plan got ruined when a black shape rushed to you for a back hug. "If you thought you could escape me today sweetie!~" The girl's familiar smooth voice rang sadistically next to your ear, earning a small squeak from your side.

Adele was this weird kind of friend. An extravagant, pure Gothic girl with a soft spot for plushies, who could curse like a salty drunk man then become all sweet and sugary the second after. You met and stick together in high school, then fate made you go to the same university for the same studies. In contrast of you though, she had always assumed who she was, and let no one walk on her.

She became your protection toward the outside world. It was bad to depend on someone, but you couldn't do otherwise.

"Hey Addie." You softly greeted. Voice low so that only her could hear. "How was your lesson?"

A shrug was her answer. "Ain't bad, teach' sadly canceled today's dissection. We just watched a stupid kid show instead..."

Knowing her and her morbid curiosity, it was completely normal to hear such things, and you easily felt the disappointment in her tone. As usual, you tried out a shoulder pat, the only physical gesture you allowed yourself in public, as a way to support her. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get what you want someday..." You really did your best to sound convincing, yet it didn't. For you.

At least, she appreciated the gesture, and went back for a hug. "We'll see!" The second after, she pulled you in the alley, grasping your wrist quite gently although firmly. "Let's just go get lunch, I'm starving, and I bet you weren't going to eat, right?"

How she could read your mind was an absolute mystery. Every time you were planning on either skipping lunch, or trying out other methods, she somehow knew and easily persuaded you into following her instead of doing things your way. That was how you gave up, accepting you were coming with her today, and quietly sighed to yourself. You weren't mad though, in fact, you were simply glad she was there to help, or you would've been on the other side.

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