It's going down

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Ama was right. All this time.

First came the long terrified shivers down your spine, your animal senses alerting you of an upcoming danger. For a while, you had tried to ignore your instinct. Yet the more you accepted your monster side, the more these feelings overwhelmed you to the point you neared the panic attack.

Then the new you dreaded so much arrived on the medias.

A storm coming loose.

It first started as any normal tropical storm, forming extremely far away from the city, in the ocean. Before it started to slowly grow in intensity and closer. The meteorologist interviewed that day only confirmed what you were yet to accept : The phenomena was bound to become worse, thousand times worse, until it would arrive by the shore, then the city. According to the most pessimistic previsions, no one would be safe.

That was how, in just a single week, paranoia took over your side of town. For many still had the remembrance of last time's big storm from ten years ago, while you reminisced the death of your mother all over again.

If it hadn't been for Dream's constant reassuring words, hugs of comfort and support, you'd have lost yourself in your triggered negativity.

He alone has succeeded in keeping you sane, whereas your friends and colleagues grew more afraid with time. To the point when, once the sky began to turn a little too dark, your senses tingling in alert, everyone took drastic measures. Like the caring community you were, you all made sure to have enough food and medical supplies to share. Some volunteered to tend to lone elders just in case, others like you offered to help protect the wildlife. Even the touristic areas got taken care of, kind-hearted tourists helping along the way.

As the sky creepily turned darker over the passing days, you all were soon ready to face danger head on. Not just you, Dream and your friends, but hundred and more persons awaited this storm to come. Medias were great to stay tuned about its progression, but they also fueled the negativity with their pessimistic approach.

Like your Soulmate said though, what you could prepare against this natural phenomenon was done, the only thing left was waiting. Although said wait would've been unbearable without him and Liten.

Spending your days inside your home with the two of them was a great change of habit, one that gave its fair share of self-tension and unease, for your hybrid side deeply craved the outside. In exchange of this discomfort, cuddling moments were more frequent, sometimes with just Dream, other with Liten only. However, you all loved a new tradition at night, which was staying on the sofa together just to watch television... When your prince wasn't in the mood to tease you with your own feathers.

You swore the day he found out you were ticklish, he never spared an occasion to give you a good laugh, although you tried to convinced him you never liked it.

At least he was starting to find out how to calm you, as you were learning how to give him the positivity he sometimes needed.

Then your living nightmare became real before your very eyes.

When the storm finally arrived, wind first fasten, strong enough to creepily hiss through your windows. A menace ever growing that even made Dream deeply nervous, and your cat hide in fear. The tragic melody already brought a share of danger, since its power was sufficient to lift away anything light, turning those so usual items into weapons for some.

Rain poured heavily soon after, with the violent sound of thunder echoing in the distance, moving closer and closer each passing minutes. With them came hail, larges as golf balls, and heavier. This was the breaking point.

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