Bad day at its best

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Number one bad thing that happened to you the second your mind began to wake was a headache.

The long, throbbing, painful kind. Followed by more pain in the rest of your body. Hell, every single one of your muscles were making you suffer horribly. A quite hard reminder of the mess that was yesterday, you would've loved to pass. 'Here goes the day.' You thought with a hiss, trying as much as you could to move and force your body to get up.

It took you a lot of time, too many in fact, to get yourself moving and better once again. The few painkillers left luckily helped in this, as well as another warm bath. Only then, with a clearer state of mind, you realized everything going on around of you.

Clock indicated 11AM. You were late for work. But in the meantime, a paper plane caught your attention. The shock of seeing it made you petrified for a second.

You got a reply from your Soulmate. For the very first time of your life.

Rarely have you felt this suddenly happy, like a given new breath. Part of you couldn't believe this sight, yet, it was real, you weren't dreaming. Judging from the lingering, more bearable, pain of your body, you could confirmed yourself to be 100% awake.

Excitement got the best of you despite your state. You simply forgot everything as you rushed to open that paper plane, reading with certain ecstasy the words it had.

"Hello too.

Ugh, why is it so damn hard to write a fucking letter.

Good to meet you, Soulmat- (y/n)... I guess? I read got all your letters. I can write too now, unless you don't want anymore.

To answer the damn question, my day is living hell."

Many other words were scribbled, as if your Soulmate had struggled a lot just for this simple message. It reminded you of your very first letter too, although you made two separates ones because you were ashamed of how messy your first try looked. You were sure you still had it somewhere in your room.

Now though, what mattered the most to you was replying to your Soulmate.

Pain disappeared, cured away by the new, as you reached out to your desk in another room for the usual papers and pens. However, you frowned deeply when you realized you had no paper anymore.

'Shit... Didn't I stack up the other day?' You scratched your hair, eyebrow raised, before you just shrugged. 'Meh. I'll go get them at the shop.'

Part of you was saddened having to wait, you really wanted to chat with your Soulmate, still you went on with what you had decided. You barely noticed other items apparently disappeared during the night, since you were used to this, as weird as it was. You just took what you remembered to take, with the bonus of a little chocolate snack as breakfast, and got out of your apartment. Your Soulmate's plane in your bag.

To your relief, the elevator have been temporarily fixed, sparing you another 9 floors to descend by foot. It allowed you the biggest rush ever outside, back to civilization.

You made your way without caring much about the people around, even some friends you saw from afar. Them, however, didn't seem to see you. Whatever, you weren't minding being on your own at all. Luckily, and surprisingly, you managed to not get hit by someone despite your slalomed run.

Once you arrived by your usual shop though, what you found truly disturbed you.

Instead of the cosy, nice looking small store, only a dumping ground stood before you, the insides being sealed by simple wooden boards...

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