Before getting better

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It was almost too good to be true, judging what happened...

Despite the violence of the fight, Asriel and Chara survived with stunning ease, though not without several injuries. The worst being a bandaged arm for your brother, as a bullet had brushed against his limb. Your sis neared the permanent amnesia of the whole event, until you triggered her memories back, making her snap, by showing up with your cheek cut. Nothing too life-threatening in consequence.

The group of guys responsible of these acts all got arrested after being treated for what you and Cross put them through, your Soulmate too followed, but was released after the police got to understand his real and full implication in this mess.

But you also helped in his freedom, greatly. Since he had saved you and your siblings lives, you used all your knowledge to save him in return.

It was by far the best case scenario. You could now charge the assailants for what they've done to Chara, and knowing them out of the streets, many victims accepted to file complains and, even better, testify of their suffering during the trial.

Months of studies and convincing have made it possible, along with a few others to get the judicial machine working properly. At least, it has paid off, for the guys were now in jail, obliged to work in order to pay everyone back for each mean deeds committed. Needless to say when the verdict came, lawyers, public and victims altogether cheered once they understood the nightmare to be over.

Thinking people were simply happy would've been an understatement. They were ecstatic.

Soon after, a new law passed concerning monsters rights, thanks to your father who neared the panic attack with the event. Things were starting to change for the better, to your outmost pleasure, and sibling's happiness.

Another happy person was your Soulmate, although he didn't show it pretty often, less if there were persons around.

Solving this matter had allowed you to get a lot of free time and tranquility, for him to take profit of and visit you more often. Of course you still had to keep studying from time to time, so you could prepare your future diploma and avoid loosing habits to risk an unexpected depression. That was, before your siblings took you outside for parties and whatnot, inviting Cross along the way because, as they put it : "The more, the merrier."

Parties, as long as they weren't too much, could be indeed revitalizing. But spending hours in a crowded place, with loud music and some alcohol here and there definitely wasn't your best time on your agenda. You were the least keen on such things between your siblings.

So learning the monochrome skeleton wasn't one for this either, you both made plans to escape together.

Forgetting your keys, or phone... Remembering a task you didn't finish... Everything was good to get away. Cross simply pretended wanting to accompany you just in case, and they fell for the trick. You also tried the sneaky way sometimes, but was proven difficult because you had too much fun doing them, your snickering almost betrayed you. Especially when he couldn't help a joke or two with his special lingo.

In all cases, the moment when you'd both ended up outside, surrounded by no one else, things somehow felt thousands time better and you'd find yourself relax. No matter how heavy the weight on your shoulders was at the moment, he lifted it away every time.

Whether be simple walks, to just teasing and lots of laughs together. If anyone was to catch you, you'd pretend nothing happened. Then laugh again.

It was a weird change of pace. Yet you grew too fond of these instants, you wished them to never end.

But like everything else, they had.

Months passed by in the blink of an eye, during which you realized the feelings growing for your Soulmate, just as you noticed a gentle purple blush on his cheekbones when you stayed together. Hard to see, but there nonetheless, and you couldn't help but find that cute, making you fall for him a little more. Such was the endlessly repeating circle you were stuck with.

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