Who you are

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Such a bright beautiful day, quite surprising yet ironic after the great storm that had ravaged the town.

You weren't one to mind though, at least you were allowed outside after all this time. This new alone explained why you were so elated today, you had spent the whole week way too safely locked in your home, especially your private quarters, because your overprotective parents thought it to be the best of option.

Needless to say you missed the open greatly. Despite the chilly air that forced you to wear a jacket over your dress, as well as warmer socks and boots.

Thoughts about your mother's complains passed by your mind at that. To remember she had once again said a lady shouldn't dirty her pure appearance. Her words still made you bitterly chuckle over her exaggeration.

Being of noble descent and possessing great riches had made your family pretty obsessive over trivial subjects, from your point of view. They all let money get over their heads, your mother and grandfather going as far to only criticize people according to their materials goods. Whereas your father and elder sister only saw others's degrees, ignoring their wisdom if they had one. Most of all though, they had the eye for physical and public appearance.

The reason why, as a young woman, you had to wear a pure white dress no matter the weather, and never dirty yourself. One of the many rules you'd have rather loved to never abide to. Sadly you couldn't. You never wanted to disappoint your parents, for all of their hopes and pressure were on you.

As the last daughter of the clan, they desired of you to become a better heir to their riches than your sister and brother were.

After all, he was gone to another country, for his studies. As she got her life and future settled with a man of another family. Arranged marriage were pretty common for nobles, yet it didn't bring them happiness and you knew it. She was even the first to cheat on her so-called fiance, while he wasn't doing better either.

You had another way of seeing things. To the point the difference itself made you wonder if you had an accident at birth, or perhaps got exchanged or adopted.

There was beauty in the simplest being. Virtue and wisdom where you'd expect it last. Whoever the person, rich or poor, anyone was a jewel of mind. This was what you were seeing, aside from one's appearance. And you preferred to talk with ones who voiced their own thoughts out, instead of the hypocrites facades of nobles. This view of human and monster kinds also made you see the world in another way.

For many, the town was a dull grey place, swarming with boring life and endless routine. As it was mostly true, you however saw color and life in there too. Especially at the main park. A secret place for you to enjoy being someone you wanted to be : Free of pressure and never ending, unbearable responsibilities. Also where you got to see many beautiful things you'd have loved to keep if you had any talent of the sort, which wasn't your case.

As such, being deprived of your daily walks to the open spaces, and instead locked in coldly white rooms, almost made you crazy, if not depressed.

Thanks to the only being you could still meet and remained with, you had luckily kept your sanity.

A beautiful, impressively big butterfly. Colorful and lively in its own. It brought colors to you life, entrancing and bringing you happiness in a way no one could. Every time it was with you, a soothing feeling of content would follow, becoming greater if the insect were to land on you. Another interesting detail about it was the constant change of colors.

It had them all, even some shades you had to look for on the internet to understand. Iced silver, crushed strawberry... Along with the traditional purple, yellow. All of them were blended, separated yet together, in a dance that mesmerized you more than once, when you did nothing but look at the swirls they created in the being's wings. They had this curious magic of calming you, giving a smile to your lips and pulling you in a state where you were depraved of worries. Something you loved to feel, for it helped you cope with your life.

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