His queen

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You did it.

The exams were over. You got your diploma. Finally, after everything, you could move on from this tiring old hellhole.

One last thing remained however : the Prom. Perhaps the worst of humankind's creation to you.

The University very often prided itself with this celebration. For the entirety of the teaching staff, but also other employees and students, took months to prepare the day. Yes. It only lasted less than 24h. But from the other times Adele made you sneak in to see, it was halfway worth it. As much as it was indeed beautiful- you couldn't deny that- it was simply too crowded for you.

Your best friend was no exception. She had made you the biggest surprise of the world even, like the sadist she was. Your parents and brother were here, and you had now one of the most beautiful black gothic dress ever.

Never in your life were you both that happy yet embarrassed. You almost cried, while letting her dress you up for the party. She too was looking beautiful with her black laced corset, dress and gloves. She has made herself look like a gothic princess, if not a goth queen. Whereas you surprisingly seemed to be a dark bride...

Why had she bought a veil to fit with the purple roses of your hair was a mystery. This was precisely what made you blush the most.

All you were sure about, was that she had schemed everything. Literally.

As your mother, father and brother were delighting themselves over your beauty, complimenting Addie's work, you just screamed mentally. This change was so sudden, you didn't recognize yourself in the mirror. What you dreaded most was Nightmare's arrival...

Because your family didn't know about him.

And what you were afraid of happened. Your Soulmate teleported in your room, surprising everyone.

In this misfortune, you had only one single luck : The surprise was so big, no one moved. Not even you. After all, you didn't expect him to show up dressed with a cape. He had traded his short for a pant and boots, his golden moon crown you cleaned for him sat proudly on his skull. For a moment that lasted an eternity, you felt your cheeks burn upon admiring his new style, just as he blushed quite vividly, eye taking in your own outfits.

"Who's that?..." Your brother finally spoke, waking you all up. Your whole face turned redder once you understood you've been acting like an idiot.

Nightmare snapped out of his staring at the voice of your sibling. His lone eye suddenly filled itself with confusion and a tad of panic, although it was greatly outmatched by irritation. It took your best friend to finally answer proudly. "It's (y/n)'s Soulmate~ Nightmare, King of Negativity!"

The sound of your father choking on his drink echoed in the room.

Either was it from the fact he was your Soulmate, or the tittle Adele gave him, but it made the moment quite weird.

Your mother's worried glance fell on you, and your answer was a shy nod. 'Why Addie, why?' you plead in your mind, embarrassment clear on your face. Of course, you couldn't have kept your romance with Nightmare for yourself, it was simply not how you wanted to introduce your Soulmate to your family. Especially for you were the only to have one.

On Nightmare's side, he didn't know whether to kill someone or just take you for what he had planned without caring for the three people.

How awkward.

Addie grew quite pissed by the silence, as such, she explained everything, introduced your parents in your stead. She was so much better at this, even a natural, so with the presentations a bit more detailed, it became easier to relax and allow you to reunite quietly with your Soulmate. You didn't compliment each other's attire, still, you knew he liked your look, just as you really liked his.

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