Things have to get worse...

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It appeared life loved to pull pranks on you too.

Your allergy season was supposed to be over, yet here you were, undergoing a late crisis. It was likely you had triggered it somehow, but knowing how this happened meant nothing since the outcome was undeniable.

Red puffy nose, throat dry with all that sneezing and coughing, bags under eyes from the bad nights, still you remained Determined and too stubborn to keep studying, instead of resting. No one from your family could stop you from doing otherwise, unless they wanted a death glare and the silent treatment. All, except Cross of course.

For him, you tried your best to assure you were fine, for he didn't know a thing at all about allergies and illness altogether. Needless to say seeing him completely worried for the first time was both frustrating and curious. You couldn't help the self blame for this though.

At least you were thankful he stayed pretty often, despite some moment where he'd go away because Chara boy asked him to.

When some alone time was given, you simply used it to chill a bit before studying once more. You had fun enough with your Soulmate these pasts days, maybe weeks, so much so you slacked off a bit and were growing afraid of being late, though you were often the one to finish in advance usually. In order to catch up, you took upon yourself and did your best to work, even if that meant stopping every now and then to get a tissue or some hot honey-coated milk to soften your throat.

After hours of reading, writing and repeating the circle, while trying to cope with the tiredness and allergy, exhaustion took a hold of your mind suddenly. Powerful enough to make you almost fall asleep on your desk... If it wasn't for your door to burst open and jolt you awake.

Wasn't it surprising to see your Soulmate take a sneak peek before entering. An action you found weird of him... And there wasn't just this.

It was the first time he seemed to be that completely different.

"Cross?" you weakly greeted with that bit hoarse tone of yours, one to which he quite jumped in surprise. "What're y-"

A finger came to his unusual smirk, silencing you quickly. This was enough to earn a frown from you. "The idiot's sleeping." his voice came, although different from the one you remembered. "It's me, Chara- I mean, not your sister, but the other."

Your confusion became disbelief, then it dawned back on you. Chara boy was a ghost. You should've expected those possessions thingies, although you really believed them to be mere urban legends. This thought irritated you a little, what did he have in mind to take control of your Soulmate? You didn't know, nor liked it. "Then... What are you doing possessing my Soulmate's... Body? If I can call it that way?"

To that he snorted, inviting himself in your room nonchalantly. "He's being too worried about you. That pissed me off, so I'm bringing him here and you better behave together. That's what Soulmates do, right?"

Cheeks flushed red. Whatever caused it, be embarrassment or your condition, you tried to hide it with a loud sigh. Today was definitely not the day you'd get to handle someone else other than your skeleton. Even your own sister knew her place enough to not piss you off. Instead of having to deal with the surprise invite, you simply let him do whatever he pleased in hopes he'd just stop his prank, hiding deep inside the blame for worrying Cross that much.

"You care about him right?" Chara boy spoke again, which made you tensed at the suddenness. In return, he laughed evilly. "Knew it. Well, that's not surprising. That idiot's starting to like you too. Don't ask me how much though."

This time, you couldn't help but turn around and glare coldly at him, only to be taken aback at the sight of the skeleton sleeping on your bed, and the smirking ghost by his side. It was easy to notice how amusing it was for him, while you weren't finding it funny at all. If most, you now gave him the pokerface treatment.

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