Trying to understand

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Your mind was empty. In the literal sense.

The one that has scared you to no extend was real, standing in front of you. Holding the second part of the Moon's Tear. Your choker. Your bond.

No words could come out of your lips, for they were tied shut unlike your eyes. What else could you do? Should you still be scared? Be happy? You never thought you'd find your own other half one day, yet here he was, looking patiently at you with that scowl that seemed glued to his face. He didn't resemble the beast of your past dream, although the dark aura he emitted kept you on edge.

What you didn't notice was the hope, then the pain, in his eyesocket. He had expected too much of this meeting, while he didn't in the meantime. The apathy you showed now wasn't exceeding both his opposites expectations.

This scowl of his slowly morphed into an irritated look. "Fuck, I should've known it was too soon." He growled, sending a shiver down your spine. The gaze he sent you though was more softer, devoid of any negative emotions, but not positive either. "Yes. I'm the one of your nightmare. And yes, I'm- You're my Soulmate. Happy now?"

He turned around with a sigh, phalanges carefully closing around the tear he possessed, as you stood there, dumbfounded. "You know what, I'm giving you a week. It'll be easier."

'A week?' finally came a thought, the only one since you got into that alley. Sadly, the question never got any answer. As quickly as everything happened, he had vanished. Leaving you all alone in the park.What he had brought along, dread, negativity, dissipated with him.

Once your instincts acknowledged you were safe, your legs suddenly gave out. Grass saved you from a painful fall, whereas you found the ability to breathe again. Never in your life have you been so tensed and lost in your mind. Only afterward, your thoughts came back, slowly, making you realize what you were yet to believe in.

It was your Soulmate. After all this time you have found him- or he have found you for that matter. And you let him leave.

Not long enough was left for you to understand. The aggressive melody of Adele's call resonated from a pocket of your bag. A bit numbly, out of instinct, you fished it out with trembling hands and answered weakly at the phone.

The panicked voice of Addie welcomed you. It became more erratic once she heard your breath. "(y/n)? Where the hell are you?! Tell me where you are. Now."

Giving out a name have never been that hard. And waiting for your best friend to rush and grab you felt like an eternity. When she indeed came though, you hadn't move from your spot on the ground, nor did you move for her. Her face, at first full of anger, decomposed upon seeing you this down and vulnerable. The only time she had such a soft look was when you had attempted suicide- something you never did ever since.

"Alright, what's going on sweetie?..." She sat next to you, gaze never leaving your form.

It took you some time, a very long time in fact, to finally word out everything that happened. During your whole monologue, she didn't cut you, didn't move, just fully listened to what you needed to get out of your shoulders. Only once you finished, voice cracking at the end, she allowed herself to hug you gently.

You had told absolutely no one about your bond. And now you just met your Soulmate, then explained it all to your best friend. Needless to say it was more challenging than getting a degree.

At least, she took the new a lot better than you had hoped. With comforting, serious words, she calmed your fears down, reasoned your instinctive mind over the fact this monster, as terrifying as he may look, perhaps wasn't much of an evil being. She even pointed out how well thought his initiative to give you a week to recover was, since she had interpreted it that way.

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