Who you are

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What a perfect rainy day. Sarcasm noted.

Leaning on the counter of the cash desk, you watched a bit boringly the pitter patter of rain tease the glass next to you. The store was running low today, not that you minded- you loved it when it was calm and peaceful- it just left you with nothing to do. And that was the big problem.

You'd usually sketch, sadly you lost your tools and your case. Not that you knew how, but it was a habit of yours.

Anything that once belonged to you, either you couldn't find it at all, or it'd disappear to come back a few days, sometimes a month later.

That was your weird luck. Some of your friends said you were cursed, or just had the worst luck possible. Since you were also one to go through quite the situation sometimes, without even asking for them. Over time, you got the nickname "Karma" stuck to you like a gum, for that was how you were, the one to bear everyone else's karma on your shoulder.

Because of this, you became a pretty chill person, who enjoyed peace while it could last. Something that wasn't planned at all for today.

A hooded figure entered the shop, completely soaked from head to toe, face invisible. A gut feeling told you to be weary, though you just smiled at him politely as a greeting.

The person barely moved his hood, so you only got to hear is cold male voice, and saw he had a gun in his hand too. "Give me all the money."

You only lift a brow at that, unfazed by his tone. You've seen robbers before, but this one was definitely not suiting the dangerous type. He made himself look threatening, but he was as tensed as a pole. And the simple fact you didn't care at all about him, even after noticing the weapon, made him more tensed. He was just a desperate man.

"What are you waiting for?" He tried to growl, without succeeding much. "Come on, open the counter."

Eyes drifting down, you went to take one of the pen for sales and a blank ticket you forgot to throw, then wrote down for him. "I'm sorry sir. You're our second costumer. We don't have cash this morning, but you should dry yourself up. Because it would be stupid for you to catch a cold."

If you hadn't try to keep a certain respect for him, you'd have burst down laughing once he read your note. He looked up to you in empathy as he realized you couldn't speak.

That was just it. You were mute. As far as you could remember. Judging what you went through though, it was just another thing in your life.

Still, you offered the guy a place to sit, using what the store had in reserve to provide him a moment of rest and enough to dry himself up. Just like you expected of him, he wasn't ill-willed, simply in need of something to save himself from the problems of his life... Like many people that had the misfortune of making the wrong choices. At least, you had a bit of company.

Both talked for a little. More like he did the talking and you answered by writing down on a kid slate you found in the small school section. It helped you cope with the loneliness, while you listened to whatever he had in mind. In the end, you let him rob an umbrella to protect himself from the weather, and he walked away, not without thanking you for being "nice"... But you never liked that word. For you, you had been selfish to want him around, just because he gave you a bit of comfort and stability.

With a sad sigh, now that you were alone again, you went back behind the cash desk, fighting yet again against the sleep induced by the calming melody of the rain.

You couldn't wait for your shift to be over.


Once again, not a lot of people swarmed in today. Thank to the rain. Of course, the previous storm had something to do about these occurrences of bad weather recently, still it meant you couldn't enjoy your work as much as you wanted to. Luckily in this, the robber man came back sometimes, and you had met new faces who were nice enough to remain a little with you. So, in some way, you had managed to survive through the day without succumbing to tiredness. First victory.

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