Delicate Meetings

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Everything was blurred at first, until you realized it to be caused by something dark close to your eyes.

It took a moment to get up, rub the sleep- more what felt like it- out of your eyelids. Yet, it didn't dispel the darkness away. 'Odd...' you thought, unable to understand why you were there. The more you tried to remember, the less you could. And this weird tiredness following you wasn't of help either.

Strangely, the whole place was entirely void like, so dark yet you could make out shapes underneath your feet. Roses to be exact.

Part of you felt curious, the other afraid when you noticed you wore only a simple black, knee length, dress. Hiding nothing of your previous "stress-relieving" moments, nor your precious choker. In other words, you were exposed, vulnerable. And you hated it.

Few second passed before a bright light blinded you, illuminating the place you were in, thus revealing walls you hadn't see earlier. A narrow space, enough for one body to fit, that seemed to split in two at its end. One side was where the light came, whereas the other seemed spared and still cast in shadows.

A dark laugh echoed behind you, at that precise moment you understood it was a labyrinth. And suddenly, your instinct lit up in alarm.

You weren't alone.

Someone was here, chasing you.

The ominous presence overwhelmed your senses without giving you any chance. All rationality gone from your mind, you hastily rushed toward the entrance of the maze. You never thought of the eventuality of being in danger, nor you put too much attention on the vines trying to slow you down. All you wanted, all you needed, was to get to a safe place.

By that, it meant going into the darkened path of this strange world, searching for somewhere to hide in shadows. It was second nature to you.

"... Where the hell are you going?" A confused voice spoke out of nowhere. Deep, masculine. Somewhat entrancing yet holding a dark tone that put you on edge. The hunter and prey metaphor had never been so true until now. You were the terrified mouse, running away from a monster you couldn't see, without even controlling your actions, or at least the majority of them.

Your lack of answer made the person, being- whatever- growl darkly, sending another of these long frightened shivers down your spine. Something abruptly wrapped around one of your ankle, tripping you. The fall itself was mysteriously painless, although the consuming fear didn't let you dwell on this.

"Why did you choose darkness, human?" this voice again, echoing like a menace. Despite the dangerous tone, it had some sort of curiosity lacing each words, along with sadism. He didn't understand why would a human voluntarily hide in shadows, at least he enjoyed your fear.

When you realized you were in a dead end anyway, acceptance dawned to you. You were stuck with your hunter behind. No other choice was left but to face whoever was there to probably kill you on the spot. The oppressing, scaring aura enveloping you almost seemed to control your body as you slowly turned around to meet with his gaze.

But you only saw a cold cyan iris-like shape glow in the dark. Glaring at your form, carefully locked on your every movement. It seem to take over you, pin you down with ease, while you just stared back without a word.

Though the second his single eye traveled down your face to your neck, it widened in shock.

Then... You simply didn't understand.

Fear left you, replaced by the usual calmness you always felt in the dark, as the black form in front of you looked for something. The moment he found it- you couldn't get to see what he had- his eye went back to you in disbelief. You wouldn't get to know what he realized now.

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