Who you are

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Today was a bit too bright for your liking.

It wasn't like you hated the sun, you simply preferred it when it wasn't blinding your sight in the morning, which was sadly the case right now.

"Why..." you whined dejectedly. There were no chances you would go back to sleep with your senses completely awake. Even your body, previously numbed by exhaustion, seemed now full of energy while your mind was still processing the fact you weren't sleeping anymore. You've never really been a morning person.

As a last resort, to have some peace before getting up, you rolled on to the side of your bed in hopes of getting a bit of needed darkness, only to feel something soft akin to fur meet softly with your forehead.

This was your cat, Liten, who had once again made his way into your bed, to become your usual morning alarm. However, you had woken up earlier this time, to your pet's delight. The second he understood, you were smothered by his head bumping onto yours, purring, and lots of licks. As surprising as it was, he often believed himself to be a dog, and he indeed suited that category : He loved belly rubs, balls, could swim and most of all, he was your valiant protector.

You had adopted him after he invited himself at your home one day, without never leaving your side, and grew quite a bond with him, to the point he was your trusty moral support. "Mornin' Liten." you greeted, getting a long delighted purr as an answer, and his small adult body rolled to the side, exposing his belly for you to rub. That was the morning routine, one that made you smile every time.

Once satisfied with his usual scratches, he let you get up to dress and prepare yourself for the day, although your very first action was to fetch food for both you and him. Only then, as he calmly ate, you allowed yourself to dig clothes from your wardrobe.

Since you weren't supposed to go to work today, you went with casualty. Jean, (f/c) crop top and your jacket. Only one this was missing.

Your dreamcatcher.

It was your Soulbond. A beautiful golden dreamcatcher with a sunstone at its center, supported by golden strings taking the delicate shape of a star. The light white and yellow feathers ornating this masterpiece had a bit of turquoise stripes at the end. Amber, obsidian and turquoise stones detailing the result.. In one word : Beautiful. You loved it unconditionally.

Back when you were living with your mother, she had taught you everything you needed to know about Soulmates, and how you could possibly find yours, or get to know them only by looking at your bond. You still remembered the very first day she saw it, she had told you that your Soulmate was special, then a day it turned completely black and you panicked, thinking they were dying. It only reverted back after a few months of pure stress, although some pearls remained darker.

That was why, even now, you still had faith to find them eventually.

Your wandering mind stopped right when you got your hand on this artifact, which you thought to hang up to your belt. Sometimes you would put it as a necklace, other times as a bracelet, but you went for a comfier version today. However, you wouldn't get to see it if your sunstone were to shine, something that only happens when your Soulmate gets closer to you.

In theses case scenarios, you truly hoped they would look at their bond in your stead.

Liten came back once your whole dressing time done. Making his way between your legs, and causing you to trip in the process. It was his weird habit ever since you had him, yet he still managed to get you by surprise everytime. At least, that made you smile. "How many times have I told you to stop doing this?" you laughed, bending down to take him in your arms. He meowed happily, enjoying being carried for this once.

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