Of Dreamcatcher and Totems - Dream's arrival

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The day following the messed up reunion was a blast for the Guardian of positivity.

Despite being only able to feel positive emotions, he sometimes had a few negative ones during the night, out of apprehension for the next day. Even if they didn't last long, it has been enough for Dream to doubt about his, and his friends, creation.

Blue had to repeat him countless of time the only way to find out was trying. And this was exactly what the skeleton in gold would do.

It was his first time in the AU. Ironically, it gave him a feeling of excitement, greatly overwhelming a bit of uncertainty, the few he could feel. Because of this, he had to take a deep breath to calm himself down. "Come on, Dream, it'll be fine. Let's do this." He muttered as a way to encourage his whole body into summoning a portal and jump in.

Needless to say he didn't expect what he first saw once there.

Today was bright and sunny. Many citizens, monsters and humans, were gathering around a vast market place. This part of town beamed with life. Some people were buying food, clothing and whatnot, others simply reunited with friends or families at a local bar, not far from there. Restaurants were fulls, children were playing at the closest kindergarten, everyone enjoying what the morning offered with its fresh wind. One that would become a tad hotter later on, since it was nearing summer.

Of all the places he would've went, this one certainly was the most perfect of all. Not because of the lively scenery, the huge mountain- Mont Ebott- nor the position of it all, which was at the far outskirt of town...

It was the density of people here. Meaning his Soulmate could be around. That alone was getting him going, full of hope.

He went on with the flow, eagerly discovering the city, talking with any strangers going through his way. Everything was simply so full of positivity, he lost himself in it, and his aura only strengthened the already present happiness in the air. If Nightmare was there, he would've definitely gotten sick, but the younger brother didn't care much on the spur of moment.

As noon came, a sweet old lady, owner of a bar, offered him a free drink of his choice. Out of kindness for this peculiar skeleton who kept making everyone's day. Since this peripheral part of town, secluded from the residential area and even downtown, was mostly a touristic place, with few real inhabitants and an overall homey atmosphere, kindness was a very current trait among the people. And for that, Dream was glad he arrived here precisely.

Especially with the stories fueling this peculiar locality, for some residents originated from a native american civilization, thus kept their old culture and traditions going for the sake of honoring their ancestors.

It was how he learned a legend around the colors of the rainbow, a very interesting story that sought to teach acceptance and respect.

Sadly, the Guardian of positivity enjoyed his time way too much. The afternoon passed even faster than a bolt of lightning, so much so, when he realized nighttime was already coming, his eyesockets widened in shock.

A whole day was soon to pass, and he haven't found his Soulmate yet. Nor did he notice any changes on himself.

Part of him knew it wouldn't have been an easy task anyway, yet, it was enough for him to feel doubts haunting his mind again. Did they truly create an AU for nothing?

'No. Stay positive Dream. It has to work!' He thought, chasing away the bitterness. Instead, he warmly thanked the old lady whom he stayed with, and excused himself out of the bar to give space for the usual clients.

The sun was already disappearing behind the tall buildings of downtown, a few kilometers away from where he was. Its rays traced an ethereal illuminated path here and there, giving one final warmth to the shops, hotels and houses. Despite his liking of such wonderful sights, Dream didn't focus on it and walked down the less crowded street, if not completely empty, this time fixed on his sole mission : Finding his Soulmate.

He should have noticed the person walking toward him. At least heard the sounds of her heels on the pavement. But he didn't until they both collided on one another.

Taken by surprise, he hardly managed to keep his balance, and ungracefully fell butt first on the ground with a little "Ouch."

"Oh dear- I'm sorry." A light voice spoke, although an innocent mischief tainted her tone. "I did not see you there. Are you okay?"

Still startled from the previous crash, the skeleton didn't register much of the person's appearance, other than the feminine voice that was. "I'm sorry too. I should've watched where I was walking." He sheepishly answered. "And I'm fine, thanks, what about you ma'am?"

The woman lend him her hand to help, which he gladly accepted. He noticed only then the ring on her annular was ominously black, looking like it was disappearing into thin air. "I am too, thank you. You, however, seem to be in quite a hurry... If I were you, I'd be careful."

Her advice was said in a joking manner, still, it felt like a serious warning. One he was oblivious of. "I will! I should keep going though."

She didn't seem phased by his hurry, although she quietly sighed with a soft smile. "I shall be on my way too. I hope you will get what you seek, Dream." With that, she quickly walked behind him.

This time, Dream really frowned. Perhaps his skull was overworking, or her words were weirdly chosen, plus, how did she know his name? Unfortunately, he didn't dwell longer on this, for his foot touched an object right when he was about to go too. Confused, he shortly realized the lady had forgotten something. So without further thoughts, he grabbed it. "Ma'am, wait!" He called loudly. "You lost something!"

But the streets were empty.

The woman, whom he was sure was there seconds ago, was gone. Vanished without a trace.

Whatever happened awakened questions full of curiosity, but also confusion. He hadn't hallucinate, he truly ran into a lady, and this person left a strange object behind.

Said item was solely made out of wood and shaped like a bird. Surprisingly, it resembled an emblem decorating the bar he went earlier. If he remembered well, it was called a totem. An obvious traditional native american artifact. Instead of being entirely brown though, the bird was painted cream white, with and blue and light blue stripes on the body part and the wings. Its (e/c) eyes appeared to be glimmering softly in the beginning on the night.

It was a strange, yet beautiful crafted piece. Whoever did this put in amazing details for such small object.

Only then the Guardian of positivity felt a strange connection. Something he never experienced took over his entire self like a blow of wind. A strange picture came to his mind, showing this totem of his, intertwined with another native american item he barely made out. Both, however, appeared to shine as they were united together.

For seemingly an eternity, he stayed frozen in his spot, admiring the totem in his hand without much thinking, until realization came.

That was his bond.

Somehow, it was the conviction settled in his skull, nothing could waver this newfound knowledge. But it was all so sudden and new, he didn't register it immediately.

When he did though, his happiness radiated out of him like a fire. "It worked... It really worked!" He muttered to himself, smile so big he would've hurt his muscles if he had ones, which wasn't the case. Tears of joy were almost ready to fall, but he managed to keep them under control. Even if he didn't know yet about his Soulmate, at least he had the proof this AU they worked so hard for truly worked.

He was bounded to someone now. And this totem only would show where and who his Soulmate was.

"This is better than nothing." He rejoiced himself. "Let's find Blue to give the good new. Then start the search tomorrow. I can't wait!"

Without further ado, he summoned another portal and jumped in to tell the tale. He didn't notice, however, the eyes of the totem losing their glow as he did so.

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