Outer shell and inner self

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How. Painfully. Awkward.

"Um... Hey?" his deep voice echoed uncomfortably. After what he did, it was hard knowing how to behave, less to anticipate your actions. Especially for you were frozen like an idiot.

You took a moment to snap back to reality and respectfully allow him in, although not without apologizing. "Sorry. I didn't expect your visit."

Hesitant at first, he ended up entering, looking cautiously at the surroundings while you made sure no one was around. This wasn't everyday you were to get two invites at the same time. Plus, the last words of the weird boy still lingered in your head. They felt like a warning, so you couldn't say you weren't that much at ease either.

When you looked at Cross though, he appeared to be even more embarrassed about the situation. How could he be dangerous was a mystery, or perhaps it depended the situation. After all, he was a bit intimidating before he disappeared.

For him too, this was a first. As much as he tried to change his mind, he remained distrustful. But now that you knew a part of the reason, it didn't bother you.

In this newfound heavy silence, the child appeared amused by the scenery, despite the pissed glare of your Soulmate. It indeed seemed they liked teasing each other in the bad way, yet still stayed together. Ironically enough, they reminded you a bit of you and your own sister's relationship.

Talking about the wolf, the door you carefully locked opened in a burst. Chara charging like a bull. "(y/n), get your butt- WHAT THE HELL?!"

Sweat dripped down your head at the idea things were going to get worse.

Not only was your sister staring dumbly at the two of you, as if she caught you in the middle of something she shouldn't see, but a huge, sadistic smirk made its way on her face when she understood. One to which you replied with a pokerface in warning. Then Asriel and your mother arrived as well, making the whole moment harder to deal with. Your Soulmate had that face wishing to disappear, to avoid the embarrassing meeting, but he didn't.

And the unexpected happened, taking you by surprise. Your mother, upon seeing the monochrome skeleton, heartily welcomed him, soon followed by Azzy, who still gently warned not to cause you any harm.

In a way, they've already accepted him as a part of the family, without any second thought nor judgement.

Before you could have a say in the matter, he was offered to stay for dinner if he wished so and more, so you could spend lots of time together. Such propositions gave you the feeling it was a thoroughly prepared set-up plan, but also scared you to no extend. You've just met for god sakes! And didn't even got the chance to really talk.

He too, despite the shock of knowing he was accepted, and the emotion following this acknowledgment, was completely taken aback and intimidated.

You needed an escape, and quick.

Warm aura of happiness quite soothed the stress, yet not enough for you to relax. Only when your mom realized she forgot the ingredients for tonight's meal you saw an opportunity to go outside, buy the needed food. Of course, you didn't waste an instant to propose it to your Soulmate as well, since you were both stucked here like idiots.

Once you brought the idea, Chara immediately yeeted the two of you outside and closed the door. It all went too fast for you to understand right away.

"... Okay..." You finally breathed, then sighed out of relief. "Well, we're free now... Wanna accompany me or you prefer staying alone? Not that my family pressured us with their shenanigans..."

Thoughtful for one moment, he ended up nodding. "Let's stick together I guess."

Never would you show it, but you were glad he decided to stay. And so you both began walking toward the store you'd usually go to. The first part of this little journey was silent, mainly for you didn't know what to say. Luckily, with just simple questions asked, subjects dropped by shortly after.

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