Finding out

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Although you kept looking at your bond, you still couldn't believe your luck.

Of all things that could've happen on a single night, seeing the sunstone of your dreamcatcher glow brightly was a premiere. Even now, as you were instinctively walking, your mind couldn't acknowledge at all. Shock swallowed any other emotions you could possibly feel, you didn't even notice Liten following you, until he managed to get between your legs for his usual trip trick.

Needless to say you never expected that, and went for a hard date with the ground.

"Liten, what the hell?!" You hissed, pain somewhat numbed in your misfortune. In answer, your pet meowed loudly, licking your face for you were at perfect height for him to do just that. There were times where you wondered if he wasn't a sadist sometimes.

At least it knocked some senses back into you in the literal way, though you'd have rather passed the small injuries it gave you. Scrapped knees and wrists, and some cuts, probably because of some shattered glass nearby. In this, you had a good chance it wasn't bleeding too much, and your dreamcatcher was perfectly safe and sound.

The sunstone, however, was shining less. Something that made you panic. 'No no no! Please Soulmate, don't leave me today!' you thought in hurry while you got up without much ceremony.

Sadly, the light of the gem vanished in the blink of an eye. Leaving you in the street, hurt and with your pet as sole companion.

"SHIT." was your very first reaction. But anger soon morphed into sadness after, a twisted conviction making its way to your head. "... Guess even my Soulmate doesn't want me either..."

It hurt. More so than you would admit. During the earlier talk with the others, you had tried to defend your monster friend's opinion, since she argued about how deep the relationship Soulmates shared, to the point she said no one could understand unless they had one by themselves, something no one cared of to be honest. But now, you were bitterly regretting your words over this failure. What if the others were right?

As you were going to give up and go back home, your dreamcatcher suddenly ignited again, this time glowing brighter than the sun in this moonless night, all this in a fraction of seconds. Lost in the shock again, followed by confusion, you thought to be pranked for a while. Until a familiar voice spoke.

"I knew I didn't hallucinate- Wait- It's you!"

There was the skeleton from before, the prince looking monster. His pale face and glistening crown illuminated by the object he held in his hand, as it was glowing as bright as your dreamcatcher. The dots connected by themselves in a small fraction of time, yet you didn't believe it at all.

He was your Soulmate.

A sudden aura of positivity overtook you and numbed whatever bad feelings you got, with the unexpected consequence of soothing your mind a bit too much. It was his direct power, caused by his happiness of finally getting to meet you. To the point he let his own stupidity aside, since he remembered your first encounter sooner that day.

"(y/n)... Am I right?" his voice woke you up, again. Ever so shyly, you nodded, and his eyelights turned into stars in one blink. He seemed ready to go for the hug. "This is amazing! I can't believe it- We're Soulmates for rea-"

His happy soon-to-come monologue got cut short by a furry ball suddenly jumping on him, scaring him in the process. You barely had the time to yell your cat's name, Liten was already on this guy's head, whom you remembered only now was named Dream, inspecting him since he had fallen down on the ground under the shock. You didn't know if it was to shut him up, out of jealousy, or greeting maybe.

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