Who you are

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Finally a brand new day, a weekend to add to it. Like your uncle would say, a great journey to get lazy.

Lost in the warm comfort of your bed, with absolutely nothing to do, and no alarm whatsoever to destroy your tranquility, silence reigned as your single companion for now. But even if you liked to chill, you had no chance to let it last, for a strong pull at your finger made you jump. Soon followed by deep laughter.

"CHARA!" you shrieked, the person falling on the ground, clutching her belly after such prank pulled on you.

To think this red-eyes young woman was your sister. A fiery personality, lively and fierce, unlike you who were much more calmer and mature. You were her catalyst as she was your motivational. Still, you sometimes wished she could just stop being a sadist at the very beginning of the morning.

"Someone has to wake the sleeping beauty~" she mused evilly, although this was just a facade. "and your Soulmate's a slow idiot, so I'm doing it in their stead."

Her remark made you sigh deeply. "You're going to scare them if you keep pulling at my bond like that."

As it was weird, you never put too much thought as to why your sister could see the thin red thread tied to your pinky, the bond to your Soulmate. Yet, ever since you were stuck together, back when you were kids, she never missed a chance to pull it. Depending her mood, she could sometimes go very strongly, and either you or your other half was destined for a hard date with the ground.

"Are you both alright?" the deep, comforting voice of your other sibling echoed. Asriel, Prince of monsters, but also your brother, came through the opening of your bedroom. Looking at you two childishly despite his tall and relatively well-built body.

You offered him your usual pokerface, internally screaming. 'help me.' but he didn't realize it. Leaving Chara to reply in your stead. "Oh, you know Azzy... The usual~" she giggled, that way too innocent smile plastered on her face. Her unsettling look was part of the reason why so many persons were tricked into believing she was the nicest. Truth was, between the three of you, she was the one to start fights every time.

Azzy, as she called him, grew suspicious but didn't voice it out, instead offered an apologetic smile. "Well, mom's making breakfast. You should dress up for today."

In the blink of an eye, you took profit of the situation to get up while the monster left. Though not without adding one last information mischievously. "Oh and there's chocolate! Don't miss it or I eat everything!"

"TRAITOR!!" Chara shrieked this time, as you laughed and got your own uniform out.

Your favorite sweater, skirt and thighs. A classic. Whereas your sister preferred to wear a short below, to trick the perverts like she says. It was your signature, a way for everyone to know who you were. Even when you had no lessons, you'd still wear this uniform.

And wasn't it a surprise that Chara was done way sooner than you, leaving you all alone to care for the bedroom.

When chocolate was at stake, she could be the worst of speed runner.

The newfound loneliness made you tiredly sigh, though you were content to be tranquil for a little. It gave you time to open the blinds and tidy your sheets, at least for your bedroom to get some sunlight and fresh air. However, your eyes instinctively went down to the red string, this small bond of yours. Despite the commotion, no knot formed, nor did it broke.

Out of impulsivity, a secret desire not even Chara knew of, you gently took it, toying with the thread a bit, before you pulled. Just a gentle tug, to see if your Soulmate would perhaps answer.

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