Source of problems

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Progress came, one step at a time.

You introduced him a game called Poki, with rules you changed to better fit your needs. For starters, you were simply holding a long chocolate bar in your hand, far from the rest of your body, so he could take a part of it without his strings. Over time, a very long time, you made it smaller and smaller, and closer to you. Until came the moment he had to take it out of your hand while staying next to you.

It have been a challenge for him, but your constant praises and chillness were better motivational than the chocolate, although it helped as well.

At least, you could now sit pretty close to each other, and as long as you weren't moving when he wanted to touch you, or you'd show him you wanted to touch him, it was enough, for now.

However, it didn't dispel away something you had noticed pretty often. The regret in his eyesockets.

You weren't sure why, but you never gave up, and tried to understand him to the best of your abilities. Sometimes, overthinking about what could cause his pain made you depressed, and he dealt pretty well with your change of mood, despite often going out of the Anti-Void for god knew what. He explained it was likely because you were having difficulties adapting to the place, for you were a human being or thing like that.

As odd as it was, he had stopped calling you glitch. But never dropped the nickname "Miss Salty Stealer".

Hard adaptation was indeed a possibility to you, especially once you read books he oh-so-nicely stole for you to fight off boredom, but it wasn't explaining such expression in his eyes when he thought you weren't looking. You may were an idiot, but definitely not blind. At least less now that you've changed the glasses's lens.

To add to this, there was something else that spiked your interest. With all the time you were given alone, you had focused a lot more on yourself, and realized a part of your body would sometime glitch, like a television.

Your hand was first, that was how you saw it. Then it went randomly the next times. Arm, leg, feet, chest too. A very confusing and strange scene to watch.

These moments reminded you of the little cat from the street, back when your Soulmate found you again. Sadly, you forgot to talk to Error about that, although you kept contact through the planes when he was away. Plus, since you were quite used to weirdness for a while, you shrugged it off and instead kept doing anything you could to entertain your days, or weeks.

From eating chocolate, though you saved some for Grumpy Pants, to reading, knitting, writing... You couldn't count anymore all the things you did, but you could pride yourself with what you finished, especially, and mostly, the scarf.

It made Error turn into a light bulb once you had the chance to tease him with this. The best part was the amused smile he bore for a short moment.

Now though, he was gone again to your dismay, and you were in the middle of another occupation you found out randomly : Origami. A japanese traditional art you've grown curious about only because you realized you could send letters shaped like birds, as long as they could fly. The memory of the face your Soulmate made when he came out with one of them in hand was still engraved in your mind, and honestly the sole reason you still hadn't give up on this hobby.

As interesting as this thing was, however, it also pretty much tired your mind more than your body. For it needed a lot of concentration, and attention, not to mention patience. Something you didn't have right now, nor did you acknowledge your tiredness, as you were messing up your creation.

You wanted to do something impressive, another bird, although shaped differently, and you couldn't do it.

After yet another failed attempt, you grew too pissed and threw the bird in the air, not seeing it disappear away. Instead sighed loudly and collapsed on the hard white floor of the Asylum. You were so tired.

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