Needed time

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It was all going so smoothly. Of course though, it couldn't remain this way forever.

As your relationship with Nightmare was somewhat developing well, both of you taking your time without forcing things out on the other, you just had to enter the worst period of your studies... The exams.

You were at your last year, meaning you just needed to get over theses for one last time, although they were the one to determine your future.

Needless to say the stress had made you so tensed, Nighty, as you had loved to call him for teasing purpose, shortened your times together in order for you to get the most of rest. This downside was the worst to live with. Not only were you missing your best friend, Adele, ever since she alternated between studies and internship, but you were now missing the one you were growing to really like. A lot.

As sole bright side, from that day he had found your bullies, he made sure to torture them in their sleep every nights. You had tried to negotiate that part for you were saddened about them- you were sometimes too good for your own good- but he never listened.

For sure, he was definitely the extremely resentful type.

And stalker one too.

He couldn't help himself. His hate toward your bullies was so great, he took the drastic measure of making sure you were fine as much as he could. It made you wonder if it was his way of keeping you, as if he needed you, or were afraid to loose you. You spoke about it once to Adele via messages, she came to the conclusion he must've lost something really important to him in the past.

Whatever it was, it slowly started to consume you with worry. He always found a way to never talk about his past, and not burden you with any of his problems. Though now that you knew him enough, you could tell he was suffering from it.

Judging what you went through, you knew he wouldn't be able to handle himself alone. At one point, he would snap, just like you did.

"Nighty?..." You sighed quietly, looking at the shadow behind you. It was lunch, you had bought a sandwich yet again and hid in a dark place behind the campus, somewhere no one would find you usually. The only response you got was a somewhat change in the aura around you. Something you've grown used to. "Don't you want something to eat?..."

After the whole morning of hiding in your shadow, not that you knew how, he finally came out of it with a groan. "I don't need to eat. Remember?"

Of course, you remembered. As long as he could feed of negativity, he would be safe and keep his powers... Something along the line at least. You simply wanted an excuse to have him with you, and couldn't help but being a bit worried too.

Still, you offered him a bite of your meal, which he accepted only to please you.

This was a casualty he was trying to grow used to, despite still having a bit of difficulties. He wouldn't deny he liked it, but wasn't admitting it either. All that mattered was the efforts, while you did your best for him too. Sometimes, he couldn't believe his eye, that was until you touched his shoulder.

"... You're still tensed." You muttered, carefully looking at his reaction. "Is something the matter?"

In a second, he stiffened completely, worrying you more than you should. Before he just sighed loudly, ridding himself of anything disturbing his peace of mind. One of his tendril went to wrap around your mid-section, his usual only act of tenderness, as he brought you closer to him. Over time, you got the hint that was his way of calming himself down. By having you at his side. And so, you stroke his tentacle gently. Just another thing others would consider weird, yet became natural to you.

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