Real Feelings

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Ever since that day, when Ink took you away, the Doodle Sphere abruptly became your new abode.

None of you was ready nor prepared. But he refused to let you go either. Even you wanted to stay away from your family, in fear of seeing them again. Something he insisted wouldn't happen in any way.

His confidence was part of why you grew to feel safer here. In a world empty yet so full that was his to toy with, and in which he created what could be considered an open home. Anything you wanted? A few brusthstokes and there, for you to use.

But he had no experience in all of this, less even in this place he never changed, and you barely. So most of what he ended up making was because you suggested them on the spur of the moment. Except the white rock hideout. It was where you met, and he turned it into your paradise all over again.

Still, it took you some time to acknowledge you were truly free. This world being the embodiment of liberty with its infinity.

It turned out to be scary for a while. But once that got settled, new habits and passions came out as you shyly started to try out what your old life prevented. Like wearing colorful clothing, the crimson dress being the only item you'd never trade. If most, you loved fusing it with some of his old belt or jackets, for he never destroyed whatever he possessed. Plus, you loved the way he'd dreamily look at you when you used his own clothing.

You sometimes got a bit of difficulties, since a part of you was too accustomed by the endless boring routine. So ending up with absolutely nothing to do was a novelty that brought its share of uneasiness. But thanks to your creative Soulmate, this wasn't going bad.

From trying artistic activities, to posing for him, and the oh-so-addicting body paint moment. After perhaps weeks of living in the Doodle Sphere, only the two of you, the ecstatic happiness let place to a relaxing, silent comfort. Where you'd watch him carry on his creative deeds, sometimes to forget about them because of your presence. The only thing you have yet to try was going out to random AUs.

Judging how over-protective Ink became, you didn't ask more about it, although you couldn't help but wanting to.

Not that this vast world wasn't pleasant to live in when you got used to it, you simply wanted to partake in his travels and discover worlds by his side. Being a Traveler tempted you to no extend after all the discussions around the Universes and Timelines, as it was also the promise of pure freedom, for you could go anywhere. To open your mind to things beyond what your own world would've never brought you.

This became a wish your artsy skeleton wanted to grant, despite a phobia that triggered plenty of times since the incident.

Never you'd have thought he was afraid of being forgotten and left alone. But it gave him an excuse to seek your attention, and for you to give lots of love and affection you never had the chance to share with others. Making your relationship the exclusive kind, although a tad peculiar to deal with from time to time.

Sadly, things weren't bound to remain as they were, and today was the proof of it.

Ink spent so many time creating, he inevitably ran out of paint, then got stolen, again. A situation of deep concern, for he had to resupply, but wouldn't let you alone either. So you pointed out the most obvious of options, that'd benefit the both of you : Travel together.

It didn't take him long to end up accepting, especially when your used your best argument : A nice date.

The idea itself left this cute colorful blush and wide smile on his face, boosting his will to go outside. To the point he forgot about his previous apprehension in the blink of an eye.

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