Failed gifts

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You didn't know what to do. Be happy, punch yourself, or everyone for making you panic over nothing. Well. nothing dangerous at least.

To think you succeeded in forgetting your very own birthday...

Everyone more or less didn't wait for you to recover before showering you with hugs, kisses and whatnot. You only woke up when Chara made you fall thanks to your bond, again, to most of the invites hilarity. Everything was just too sudden, you took a while to proceed the prank, and more so to genuinely thank every single person for coming in, although you did gave quite an earful to your sister when you learned it was her idea from the very beginning.

Monsters and humans were together, celebrating both you and Chara's birthday, as you were fake twins, the same way they would for any other member of the royal family, or close relatives.

Despite the fright, you smiled at that, surprising most of your friends. It was rare of you to physically show your emotion.

Once things began to settle, the real party was allowed to start. Some bypassers, attracted by the commotion, came by and randomly invited themselves, taken by the overall warm aura of happiness taking hold of anyone.

As always, your parents made it big, hence why your mother had such a long list of groceries to buy earlier.

From food, to drinks, and many sweets. Not to mention the napkins bought solely for the festivity, also the decorations and toys, to let children have their fun. The embarrassing fact was you still had your own balloons, a tradition your mom never dropped, even when Chara asked her to.

Luckily the party was held in the house's garden at the back, or there wouldn't have been a lot of places with all the people and stuffs.

The whole gathering by itself was amazingly enjoyable. Getting the chance to talk and laugh with the persons you loved was by far your favorite moment. One of the many reason why you longed so much for a family like this.

When the cake came, chocolate flavored as predicted, you laughed at Chara who tried her best not to yeet the candles, just to taste the deliciousness that was the birthday cake. Still, out of sympathy and because you knew how much she loved that, you let her cut it once you've both blown the small lit sticks. And she kindly, for once, gave a slice to those asking for their share.

She was a gentle Soul when she wanted, no one could deny that.

Whereas the few present children nicely went to play together under the others supervision, you and other adults brought up some topics as you enjoyed the food. That was when you ultimately got your present, and also when Chara decided to be an ass.

"By the way (y/n), why don't we bring your Soulmate to the party?~" she mischievously asked, trying to reach for the bond.

As if on cue, the thread suddenly got pulled.

The move itself was pretty violent and unexpected, enough for you to jump out of surprise. To anyone else's eyes though, it was weird. But when Chara got to see that, she became even more ecstatic. "Oh my god... I don't care (y/n), let me do it!!"

"NO!!" you barked defensively as she jumped on you. It rapidly turned into a battle of who would take the string first. Sadly she got the upper hand and snatched your hand before you could protect yourself more. Under the confused stares of all the invites, she pulled it harshly, way too excited to care.

You quickly got the hint your other half was nearby, as they responded violently, almost forcing your fall. Asriel luckily had the time to explain the situation, and your family, despite not having the ability to interfere with your bond, cheered you or even went to seek for this person. Like your mother said, meeting a Soulmate at your birthday was by far the greatest gift you could have, and one they were willing to help you gain.

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