Making Up

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Heavy pain welcomed you the moment that followed all your awakenings. Unknowing of how long have passed.

You remained locked in your own bedroom all this time, without going out once to see your cat. Liten complained loudly every single hour, when it wasn't Dream who knocked at your door pretty often too.

Both of them never had any reply, which only fueled the skeleton's anxiety even more.

What happened still repeated endlessly in his skull, leaving nothing but questions. Right when he was hoping you'd open up, these three persons ruined everything. If only he had listened to his doubts and your negativity, instead of asking you to go at that party together. He knew how blind he could sometimes be, yet it didn't stop him from making the same mistakes again.

Guilt consumed him, despite the positivity.

He allowed this to last an entire day, without entering your bedroom out of respect, for you had forgotten to lock it. Until it began to hurt more than your silence.

"(y/n)." He called once more, hearing his own voice change without paying much attention to it. "Open the door. Please..."

All you gave him in return was a quiet choked sob, something he sadly grown used to the last hours. He never left your home since the incident, because he kept hoping you'd go out by yourself. That of course, was just another disillusion.

Liten once again meowed loudly in protest, bumping and scratching violently the door so much he had left marks. Then looked pleadingly at the skeleton.

They were growing tired of your silence and negativity, which he could sense slipping from the other side of the door like a menace, as it was weakening his own powers greatly. He couldn't stand here and do nothing anymore. So once your cat tried to jump and grab the handle, he did what the animal couldn't, warning dangerously. "Whether you like it or not. I'm coming."

You jerked your head up violently upon hearing his voice and the door opening. Leaving your wet, red cheek and eyes in the open for him to see. But it was nothing compared to what you saw yourself. Which was enough to get you out of your torpor.

He appeared to have lost something that made him the cheerful skeleton you knew. Exhausted face, bags under his eyesocket and bitter expression of worry and another emotion you didn't make out, because of your own pain. Even his aura seemed to have disappeared, or was it yours that have been too strong for him to bear.

In a blink of an eye, he and Liten entered the room. The furious ball of a cat jumping on you as a way to scold you, while complaining about this day of missing you. His loud purrs and forceful licks had the strange effect of calming your sadness down, only a little. "Liten- Stop-" You sneezed after too much time faceplanted in his fur. Not ready for such a violent attack, that had the decency of bringing you back to your senses. At least enough to think a little about the monster's presence. "W-What are you doing here... Dream?...Why aren't you...?"

"Isn't it obvious?... You had me worried since yesterday..." He tried out a smile at the moment, but it came out weirdly wrong, almost insane.

A detail caught your attention only then. One of his eyesocket had a fading gleam, the other being completely devoid of it. It made him scarier to see.

In the silence, he let out a loud tired sigh, literally dragging himself to sit on your bed, next to you as you were trying to gently shoo your cat. With an irritated huff, Liten vanished away the same way he popped, leaving only the two of you during your weakest moment. "Why didn't you go?..." You managed to mutter, body and mind still numbed, weakened from the previous crying. "You saw what I am... Don't force yourself to stay..."

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