Unexpected happens

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As time went by, a few odd changes caught your attention, more than once.

The most noticeable was about your butterfly.

Its behavior became... Strange. For it ran away from you a lot of times, more so than it would barely do in the past. At any moment of the day, even the night, you felt its presence fade in the distance. Sometimes for a few minutes, or hours at the worst, then came back to look at you solely. To add to this already bizarre frame, it also seemed to lost its mind, flying erratically all around for no reason, giving you the impression it wanted you to notice something, or perhaps follow...?

Sadly, because of your parent's schedule, you either didn't have the time, or you were too tired to do so.

Being part of a hypocrite, prideful rich family had its fair share of multiple tasks and rules to abide to, this wasn't any new for you.

Waking up at dawn. Dressing according to today's lesson and weather, while respecting the stupid white theme. Following said lesson without showing a sign of exhaustion. Eating, although your mother took a lot of pleasure inviting other families without giving herself a break, then going for another long round of lessons before you were allowed to practice any desired activity.

And you would usually use that given freedom to rest.

This routine boringly kept you busy until the weekend came, when you unfortunately had to meet again with the noble man of last time. Unlike that day when you led him to the restaurant, just so your friends could help you get rid of him, you had to attend your family's party with him by your side, as a partner.

Needless to say you didn't feel positive about your parent's choice. Something in the back of your mind knew they were scheming something you wouldn't get to like, less accept.

That made both you and your butterfly quite on edge. Especially your bond.

The more time you spent with this man, the more the insect seemed to truly hate him. Its wings always turned black and red the second it'd see the guy, and it wouldn't waste any to attack him mercilessly. You never knew if it either wanted to scare him or end his life, but both ideas were fine by you, for you couldn't help but despise the person as well. His arrogance made him unbearable.

To think you were stuck with him for today already drained you with any life energy you still possessed. If only you could find a way out without being noticed...

"Is something the matter, dear?" your mother asked expectantly, voice full of fake gentleness.

Both her and the guy looked at you, others being too taken in their own debates to care. "Nothing in particular." you politely pretended. "I'm simply wondering about the rest of the party."

This was a common move to pull, ask about the party. And it always worked, since their suspicions vanished and your mother allowed herself to spoil you with everything she and your father had prepared. Like all the previous times, they made it big for no reason. Huge buffet, and dancing until night was to end, along with the traditional discussions and mundane activities.

Thanks to that information, you easily concluded your suffering would last at least four hours at the very best, or worst.

'Please lord, free me from this horrible day... Whatever the excuse.' You pleaded, keeping a mask of straightness while your insides burned with despair.


Of course, no answer came to you once everyone was present and gathered. Even your butterfly disappeared away after another strange crisis.

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