Written Emotions, Unspoken Thoughts - Error's Arrival

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Pretending not to care about the Soulmate AU would be a lie.

Error had his eyesockets glued on it ever since the dreading day of the reunion. Trying as hard as he could to understand how it could work. Because he knew it was... Hell, Blue even barged in during his nap time to yell at his non-existent ears how he and Dream have got their own Soulbonds, as they called it. It took a picture of Dream's bond to fully acknowledge what the destroyer didn't believe at all to begin with.

Anyone entering this world would be bounded to someone. A Soulmate.

His first reaction have been to tell the new to Nightmare, though he didn't dwell long in the castle, for the King was completely infuriated the second he learned. Then he retreated into his void-like world, searching for things to occupy himself while looking at this cursed AU way more often than he would admit. How many times had he been torn between destroying this place and visiting it? He lost count.

Unlike the others of his Team, the only thing he was doubting of was the efficiency of this Soulmate theory, which was proven effective by then. Now, only a frustrating curiosity lingered in his skull. One that drew him closer to this AU everyday.

How could he have a Soulmate? How would he know?

Judging how Dream and Blue understood their own so easily, it had something to do with a logic he couldn't grasp.

And it was because of this endless questioning Error dared open another portal to take a sneak peak at the AU. Again. 'PaThEtiC...' He thought of himself, knowing it was useless to act like a stalker, yet he couldn't help it either.

Last time he checked it, a huge storm had ravaged the city in its globality. The only thing that more or less amused him to be honest.

Now though, it had become as calm as it used to be before.

Most of the damages were cleared, especially the less important ones. Considering the destroyed houses, trees or shops, there were still some repairs to be done, still the people who had survived were starting their lives again, stability once more coming back to rule over this world. To sum it up, something he didn't bother looking quite long, for this kind of sight bored him to no extend.

He needed to pass his nerves and time on something else, rather than sleeping his days away or knitting his puppets.

No other option was left but to look for an AU Ink had forgotten about.

With this single idea in mind, the destroyer finally got strength to stand up and do one of his real hobbies. After all, he hadn't got this dreaded nickname for nothing.

It was time for him to destroy some of theses Glitches of AU again. Definitely a good plan, or so he thought.

For a short moment, he looked and traveled through different AUs, trying to find one that'd fit the Truce's rules they had decided on. Ink had the right to create, as much as he wanted even, but if he was to forget an AU or let it unfinished, Error had all the rights of the universe to destroy it mercilessly. The creator couldn't stop him at all.

His attention ended up in an already self-destroyed AU, one that was so full of glitches to him, there wasn't much left of it. Still enough to have fun though in his opinion.

As such, Error didn't bother putting much thoughts nor efforts on his little funtime. He went straight to erase it, finishing up what this place had already started. In a way, he was doing it a favor. The world itself was too unstable, and the space it'd freed would be useful for another more balanced AU... Or maybe another for him to destroy.

Whatever for him. As long as he was having his share, the rest wasn't his to dwell on about.

Once done, he didn't stop there, instead went to another AU he spotted earlier. Motivated by his will to eradicate as much glitches as he could, he let a sadistic part of him take over and the pleasure of having to destroy fuel him. No matter if he had to hear pleas, cries, crumbles of the worlds falling down, outmatched by his power, he simply enjoyed watching it all disappear under his cruel but needed work.

Only when he was at his fifth world destroyed he allowed himself to take a break. It has been a while since he last had such energy to spend. At least, it had left him revitalized in someway.

No more stress, nor negative emotions like he used to around Nightmare. That felt good. After so much effort, he finally relaxed, content. To the point nothing could rid him of this feeling of slight accomplishment and pride. That was, until he decided to just go back to his own world to take a well deserved nap.

Instead of the white void, he grew surprised to see a warm sunset in the horizon.

It took him a moment, torn between shock and confusion, to realize he hadn't teleported back to his place at all.

But if it wasn't his home then. Where was he?

Obviously not Outertale for sure.

"WhAt ThE fUcK?..." He muttered, watching groups of people pass here and there, swarming under him as he looked at them on the roof of a building. Not the tallest around, but enough to be seen by no one, for most of them didn't look up.

Mind began to overwork, looking for an explanation as to why he was there, and which AU he ended up. Until something softly hit his skull, the sudden contact scaring him enough to almost crash. Eyesockets wide, he frenetically looked down, trying to find the reason of his panic. Only to see a paper plane lying down at his feet.

He couldn't be more lost than now.

A lingering feeling crept in himself, one he tried desperately to repress, while he gulped and bent down to take this curious object he hadn't thought of seeing here. As if guided by an instinct, he oh-so slowly unfolded it. The carefully written words he read was enough for him to really crash this time.

"Well, Hello.

It's my first time doing that. I really don't know where to start...

I just turned 18, and found out I could write to you. Never ask how or why... I just know. Yes, it's stupid, to me at least. But maybe you'll get my letter and reply. My father told me you would know how to write these letters too. And... Well, I guess that's enough. You having a good day?

Hope you'll get my letter someday.


... So that was where he ended up.

Even back, he couldn't believe he had instinctively went in the Soulmate AU without realizing it. And now... Now he had a Soulmate. For real.

Despite the shock, he couldn't help but being part fascinated and afraid, as he felt knowledge sips in his skull as to how he could possibly reply to this Soulmate. It was a simple bond. Letters folded into planes they could throw at each other. As long as they did just that, they would always get to talk through them, no matter how far they were from each other.

Once it struck him, the scared side of his mind took over. "Oh HeLl No!" He almost fumed, going immediately back in his void in hope it was just a nightmare.

Sadly for him, another plane entered his world, shortly followed by too many.

He couldn't believe it. His Soulmate had written to him once a month at least, letting him more than twice a dozens letters to read.

Never would he admit he indeed read every single one of them, out of a curiosity that greatly outmatched his initial fears after a while. Although that was what he just did, and how he already found his Soulmate's name. (y/n). And learned a bit from her life as a simple cashier.

Over time came another desire, the one to reply to this human girl. All he needed was to find paper and ink. And he already knew who to ask for help.

It angered him to look for the squid for such stupid task, but he felt lazy to steal these to others.

"BeTtEr Be WoRtH iT..." He mumbled as he disappeared to steal to his opposite, the Creator himself.

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