🎄Day 23 - LN4🎄

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"I'm really proud of you."

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I turned around and saw Lando coming towards me, concentrating on something in his hands, almost walking into a wall.

"Woah, careful, babe, what is it?" I wipe my hands on a napkin, careful not to get my dress dirty.

He kept concentrated with an almost guilty look on his face. He was holding a necklace, one I hadn't seen before.

"Can you help?" he asked. I smiled to myself: "Of course," he looked me in the eyes, "come here."

He stepped next to me and carefully placed the necklace into my hands, and I very gently helped him put it on.

The music was playing, we were both happy and relieved from finally finishing the difficult season. The drivers were all the more excited, who could expect peace for at least two months before having to even think about racing again.

Lando and I decided to host a post-season party at a large house we rented just for that. Don't get me wrong, having it at our place would've been amazing, considering we just moved into a new house.

But the amount of people invited changed our whole view on that aspect.

"You cannot possibly want to fit over 500 people in our new house, Lan, it's mental," I said. He nodded while staring at the incredibly long guest list we had made.

"So...we invite less people? But that's not that fun, though," he gave me a sad look.

"No, of course not," I sat down next to him at the edge of our bed, "we just have to find someplace for that many people to fit."

Lando grinned at me and grabbed his phone: "I've gotta call Max. He knows about this kind of stuff."

I stood up and chuckled before leaving a sweet kiss on Lando's forehead: "Go ahead, baby, as long as you have fun, I'm happy."

I finished closing Lando's necklace and walked around him to gain access to his front side. I made sure the closure of the necklace was not visible and adjusted the pendant's position. It was a small locket, with the first letter of my name engraved on it.

I blushed when I saw it, looking up at Lando, who was already smiling down at me. There were some minutes left before the crowd was planned to arrive.

"Is that letter for my name?" I asked, gently trying him. Lando chuckled, then nodded and proceeded to wrap his arms around my waist.

"You can open it, if you want," he offered. I didn't hesitate and opened the golden locket right there and then.

The picture inside was one of us at the beach in Brazil after the Brazilian GP. I remember standing in the sand and holding a cup of Chimarrão in hand. Lando was sipping on his straw, which was connected to a green coconut.

The Brazilian flag was wrapped around my waist in the form of a towel and our sunglasses sat comfortably on our noses.

Lando had his arm around me and I pressed a kiss onto his cheek as he laughed into the camera. His smile was intoxicating and influenced all of us.

I smiled again, seeing the picture and let my eyes wander up to his once more.

"You look good," I said quietly, closing the locket and wrapping my arms around his neck.

He smiled, caressing my body over my soft dress: "You too."

Soon enough the first guests began to arrive. Oscar, Carlos, their girlfriends and Zak, as well as Andrea.

Lando and I greeted them all at the door, but as soon as all the drivers had arrived, we moved into the living room and stayed there for the rest of the evening.

Carlos and Lando spent most of the evening together, as well as Charles and Pierre. I saw Alexandra and Kika talk to one another in a very friendly manner; I'm glad they like each other.

As one of the newer WAGS, I didn't feel at home enough to ask them about anything. Besides, Lando and I enjoyed spending time together just the two of us.

The time came when Zak and Andrea made a speech, congratulating everyone on their magnificent season.

"Y/n!" I heard from the other side of the living room. It was George, coming towards me.

"Hey," I smiled, "how are you?"

He smiled and told me about his week, to which I smiled and nodded.

All the while I felt Lando's stare follow me everywhere. It made me blush and he knew I liked it.

He knew I liked the protective behaviour he put on any time I went out.

I didn't realise just how fast the time flew by when I was suddenly laying on my bed, dress still on and energy out.

Lando had driven us home and we were talking about everything while staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, Lando?" I asked, turning my head.

"Yes?" he answered, turning his head to look at me.

"I'm really proud of you."

Lando hesitated and then smiled, nodding: "Thank you."

My full body turned towards him and I gently grabbed his cheek to pull him in for a kiss.

Lando was enjoying it; he let one of his arms pull me in closer by the waist and the other be on my neck.

Our makeout session got more and more heated, which led to love. Lando took his time with me, whispering words of affirmation into my ear. 

"Lando," I whispered, trying to get his attention in between the kisses.

"Hm," he said, still kissing my neck. When I didn't answer, he looked up into my eyes.

"What is it?" he asked.

I shook my head: "Oh, nothing, I just felt like whispering your name to see your reaction."

Lando chuckled and kissed me again.

We stayed lying on the bed for a very long while and when the sun came back up, Lando went and took a shower.

I stayed back under the sheets and saw the rays of sunlight shine through the curtains.

And the only thing I could think of was just how lucky I was to have found Lando when I did. How perfect he was and how supportive he is of everything I do.

This season was worth it.

Let's hope that the next one is just as good, or even better.

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A/n: Hii darlingssss,

I'm afraid the journey we've been taking together for the last 23 days has come to an end. Thank you so much for all the support, the voting and the amazing comments everywhere.

I will continue to update, just not daily anymore, so don't hesitate to leave requests!

Wishing you the best Christmas ever, and a Happy New Year!



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