🎄Day 19- AA23🎄

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"We can't move anymore."

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"Nooo, close the blindsss," she groaned, hearing his deep chuckle from where the windows were. It was 10 am on a sunny morning, there was nothing planned to do and he felt like going on an adventure.

The only thing he didn't account for was his girlfriend. And he knew she needed a lot of convincing to go hiking. She didn't hate it, no. She only hated it on Sundays. In the morning.

"Come on, babe, I wanna go do something today," he tried, knowing he would fail. It amused him to see his sweetheart wrapped in blankets, trying to hide from the light like a vampire.

She pouted, which made him laugh. Alex sat on the edge of the bed and she immediately wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his lap.

"I wanna stay home with you and bake cookies," she said quietly, but Alex scoffed.

"It's like 30 degrees out!"

"But it's still December!" she answered just as quickly, earning a grin from him.

He sighed and stood up. After a while, an idea popped into his head. He knew exactly what would get her out of bed.

Alex rushed out of their shared bedroom to their living room and quickly found what he was looking for. He picked it up, carefully carried it back to the bedroom and released it right on the bed.

The little grey kitten immediately ran up the bed and onto his sleeping partner, waking her all over again.

Only this time, she didn't pout or complain. A smile grew on her face and she greeted her furry friend with lots of kisses and sweet words.

"Hey, Lucky," she cooed, "aren't you a sweet little boy?"

"Hey," Alex said with a sad expression.

"Yes, all right," she sat up, kissing Alex on his cheek, "you're my sweet boy, too."

He smiled, gladly accepting all of her kisses and hugs. The two held onto each other as she held the little kitty, caressing it gently.

It soon fell asleep in her lap while they quietly talked.

"I'm happy with the way the apartment turned out," she said quietly.

He nodded: "Me too. Especially the living room. It's cosy."

She smiled, then looked at her lap.

"Oh oh," she said.

"What is it?" Alex asked, holding onto her hand.

She looked back at Alex: "We can't move anymore."


"Lucky fell asleep on me. If we move, we'll wake him," she explained.

Alex frowned: "So?"

"So? It's a universal rule. The cat has given you the honor of letting you be their pillow, you must take it seriously."

Alex hesitated, frowned, and then looked for an answer on his girlfriend's face.

She only grinned, which made him laugh all over again.

She leaned back onto his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

"You're so sweet," he whispered.

"Thank you, baby," she answered.

Alex chuckled: "I was talking to Lucky."

"Hey!" she exclaimed quietly, slapping his arm, but he only ever laughed.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫


A/n: For the last two days of the Christmas countdown (Day 22 and 23) I want to write two more short stories with the two drivers of your choice.

So, please vote for two of these drivers and those will be the ones I'll update with!

(I'll also make the oneshots a bit longer)












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