🎄Day 17- PG10🎄

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"Are you scared they will hear you?"

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He holds my hand as we walk through the zoo. It's still pretty early, so the paved roads aren't too crowded yet.

We enjoy going to places earlier than 'normal people' would, so we can capture the silence and peace that comes with being together just the two of us.

"Oh, look, the wolves are out," I say, gently pulling Pierre with me towards the glass wall separating us from Canis lupus.

"They usually hide inside when there's visitors, no?" he says, putting his other hand in his pocket to protect it from the chilly air.

I look up at Pierre: "Maybe they like us."

He smiles down at me, then kisses my forehead. We slowly turn away from the wolves, but I look back and see about three of them staring directly at me.

"It's like they think I have piece of steak for them or something," I say quietly.

"Are you scared they will hear you?" Pierre chuckles.

I shake my head: "I know they can hear me."

Pierre looks at me in all seriousness and I let out a chuckle, which immediately puts him at ease, too.

We continue walking, passing lots of different animals on the way. The black bear is sitting against a rock, enjoying its breakfast as it chews on a fish.

"Ech," Pierre says, looking away.

"Wha- you love sushi!" I chuckle.

He looks at me like I'm crazy and points at the bear: "That's nothing like sushi."

"You mean cold, raw fish?"

Pierre hesitates then nods: "Okay, true. But it's still disgusting."

I laugh, intertwining my fingers in his as we go on with our walk. Soon enough, we reach a sign listing the different continents of the world.

"Ooh, South America has the jaguars, and I read online that they've got brand new cubs, too," I look up at Pierre excitedly.

He smiles, still looking at the sign. And then he spots something that freezes him.

"Honey," he begins.

"Yeah?" I look back at him after having zoned out and watch a pair of storks taking care of their younglings.

He points at the sign, making me look to see what he means. And I spot it almost instantly.

The sign reads North Asia.

I smile: "I think I know what you're longing to see, Pierre."

He looks down at me: "Really? Well good, because the baby jaguars need to wait."

His steps are big as he pulls me with him and I struggle to tag along but laugh constantly.

His quick walk is followed by my rushed jogging, some bypassers seeing and chuckling.

It doesn't take long before we reach another grand glass wall, Pierre finally slowing down. I try to catch my breath as he scans the view for any Pandas.

It's quiet for a while, so I step towards the glass, looking, too. Pierre gets quieter by the second, and I feel his disappointment after some minutes.

He grabs my hand without looking at me and sadly begins to turn around to walk away.

"Come on," he says, "let's go look for the jaguar cubs."

I feel bad for him, he loves pandas. My instinct tells me to look back again, and just in that moment, I spot something black and white in the distance.

"Pierre," I grab his arm. He doesn't stop walking.

"Pierre!" I excitedly say, causing him to turn around this time.

His eyes widen as he sees the panda stretching itself as it climbs out from a hidden spot. He quickly rushes back, watching the panda as I slowly walk towards the glass wall, climbing up a platform nearby.

I chuckle, grabbing my phone to film the scene. Pierre, with his hands in his pockets, finds the situation very much entertaining. Every time the panda does something stupid or falls over he laughs.

I take a couple of pictures of Pierre, then put my phone away, and step towards him.

"Hey," I say, wrapping my arms around his left one. It's pretty chilly.

"Hi," he quietly says, kissing my forehead. I smile, leaning my head on his chest and inhaling his addictive smell.

"Thank you," he suddenly says.

"What for?" I ask, looking up at him.

"For bringing me here,"

I smile, getting on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek- "You're welcome, baby."

"I would do anything to see you freak out like a twelve year-old girl who's just met One Direction for the first time."

He rolls his eyes and laughs.

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