Inside Job pt. 2 ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Charles Leclerc

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My dear, dear readers, you don't know what it means to me to see you enjoying my stories so much.

I received my 1'000th vote on this book. I had never achieved something like that before.

So I would like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading, voting and supporting this book.

There's more to come!


Sunday rolled around with a warm morning and birds singing. I slept quite a lot, considering Fred had told me to take a break and come in late. He cared for me. Having a team that feels like a real family is incredibly great.

So, when I did get up, I quickly got ready and left my hotel room. Charles had left not too long after our kiss to get some sleep and I probably wouldn't see him before getting to the garage anyway.

I stepped out into the hallway already wearing my team uniform and walked towards the elevators. In the hotel's main lounge, I spotted some of the team's mechanics and joined them.

"Good morning," I said. One of the mechanics turns to me and gives me a sweet smile.

"How are you doing, Y/n?" he asked, friendly squeezing my shoulder. I smiled up at him, nodding: "All right, actually."

"Good," he smiled. The five of us mechanics waited for another short while before stepping outside the hotel, where the taxi picked us up and drove us to the paddock.

We arrived around 11 am,  about three hours after most of the crew. Although Singapore is a night race, some things are best prepared before lunchtime, so that the team can take a few hours at lunch and during the early afternoon to rest and prepare for the race hours.

I scanned my pass and entered the paddock, seeing nobody but workers there. It felt good to have just the F1 teams around, without the fans. It seemed more peaceful.

I made my way to the Ferrari garage with the other mechanics and went into the women's locker room, leaving my bag in my locker and brushing my hair, making sure I looked okay before grabbing my earpiece.

I wasn't wearing my suit yet, just the team's red polo shirt and black thigh-length skirt. Closing my locker, I took a deep breath before heading over to the garage.

The first person I saw was Fred. He gave me a smile and stepped towards me, embracing me in a warm hug.

"Y/n, you came early."

I shrugged: "There was nothing else to do at the hotel. But I promise I'm okay, Fred."

"All right," he grinned, "I believe you. You are a strong girl."

I chuckled: "Thank you."

He smiled and nodded, walking off. The mechanics headed over to the screens by the wall to check the statistics from the Qualifying and practice sessions again.

After everything that happened the day before, Charles still managed to pull off pole position.

I realized that we hadn't talked about his result when he came over. Not one word. He really let go of everything to talk about me.

About half an hour of discussions went by before Fred came over and told us to take our break. We will come back at 5 pm.

I took off my headset and hung it up, talking to some mechanics before leaving to go grab some lunch.


At exactly 5 pm, hundreds of team members clocked into the paddock. The sun was still high in the sky, heating the streets.

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