🎄Day 12 - CL16🎄

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"It's nice that your voice is the first thing I hear every morning."

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A soft breeze let the white curtains sway in the early morning, some rays of sunlight reaching the inside of the room.

I turned away from the windows and wrapped myself deeper into the blankets. The bed was warm, and the stone floor was something I was dreading and needed to avoid to keep warm.

Although hiding under the covers, I felt my skin prickle and get a bit cold. So, I slid closer to the middle of the bed.

His arms reached out and wrapped themselves around me. And that's when I felt real warmth again. His forehead met mine, and I placed my hands on his neck, him tightening his grip around my waist.

I felt safe in his arms. Happy. Comfortable and at home.

A sense of serenity took over me. A feeling of joy I only ever felt when in his arms, only with Charles.

My heart couldn't resist it, so I leaned forward and gently pecked his lips. The soft skin in the morning made it even more gentle than I thought it would be. He immediately returned the favour, letting one of his hands under my shirt to caress my back.

The days we woke up like this were usually the ones I spent hours dreaming about. His arms around me, sweet comments whispered in each other's ears and a whole lot of gentle kisses.

His lips moved slowly, taking their time to wake up and take care of me. And yet, they were the only ones ever to properly take care of my needs.

"Charles," I began, whispering with my eyes still closed.

"Wait," he pecked my lips, "don't pull away. Not yet..."

I gave in, letting his hand guide a leg of mine over his and gently caressing its skin. His kisses wandered from my lips to my cheek and neck, all the way to my shoulder and upper arm.

He kissed his way down to my wrist, taking his time with my hand and fingers.

I watched as he magically boosted my self-confidence and smiled to myself. There's nothing I can't do when Charles is around.

"Baby," I kissed his cheek and jawline, "we have to get up."

He continued kissing me: "Why? Nothing outside that door is better than you."

I felt the blush work its way up to taint my cheeks red.

He felt it and chuckled. The deep chuckle he had that he knew made me blush even more.

"But Baby," I pulled back, leaning onto my elbow, and whispering in his ear, "it's race day."

He smiled and rolled onto his back with one arm behind his head and his other hand on his chest.

"That's true."

"Yes," I left a kiss on his chest before sitting up in bed, "which is why we have to go to the paddock."

I smiled down at him and he was suddenly mesmerised by something.

"What is it?" I asked, grabbing his hand which was on his chest.

He intertwined our fingers, pulling me closer to him. I leaned on his chest.

A smile grew on his face and I became impatient. But he knew all too well.

"It's nice that your voice is the first thing I hear every morning," he said quietly.

I'm sure he saw the blush on my face because his chuckling returned not long after his words.

"I like that the first thing I see is the ocean in your eyes," I answered, and this time his smile had a hint of colour as well.

Charles grabbed my neck and pulled me in for a kiss while I held his wrist.

"I love you so much, Y/n," he whispered against the skin on my neck.

"I love you, too," I responded, pecking his lips and leaning my head on his chest to rest another bit.

"So," I began after another ten minutes, "no race today?"

Charles looked down at me with a smile: "Tell Fred we're gonna be late."

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