🎄Day 11 - LN4🎄

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"I really want to kiss you right now." "Do it then."

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The music was loud and the atmosphere was hot and crazy. People dance, laughing, having a couple of drinks and forgetting their problems.

For me and especially Lando, it was an opportunity to let go of race week stress. We laughed, danced and fell in love all over again.

I grabbed my camera as he walked up to the DJ booth, hugging Martin. The picture turned out beautiful. Just as I put the camera away again, I saw him waving at me, motioning for me to join him.

My feet carried me as quickly as the crowd let me through and soon I joined Lando and Martin up on the booth, dancing to the music.

"Y/n!" Martin laughed as he hugged me. I smiled back, happy to see him. Lando immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, moving to the rhythm of the music.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder, swaying with him. A couple of drinks we had before were kicking in and I felt myself begin to grind on him as we danced.

He breathed heavily in my ear, leaving sweet kisses on my shoulder and neck.

His hands glided over my body as we danced, our eyes closed and minds off everything.

After a long while of dancing, we got tired and decided to head to the bar. As we sat at the counter, Lando couldn't keep his eyes off me.

I eagerly watched the dance floor, trying to spot Carlos. He always had the best dance moves around here.

And there he was, letting his body dance to the music. It made me grin, the memory engraving itself in my mind.

Then I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh and looked back to see Lando sitting very close to me, our knees touching.

He kept looking at me with hunger in his face, one that he practically always had when we went to the club.

"What?" I asked quietly.

Lando seemed focused on something, but he wouldn't say nor show me what it was. His feelings were strong but the need to hide all of that from the public was even bigger.

His eyes dropped to my lips, then back up to my eyes: "I really want to kiss you right now."

I smiled: "Do it then."

He didn't wait for any further permission and crashed his lips onto mine, making sure he held me close as he did so.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing his hair. His kisses went from quick and aggressive to slow and passionate.

His tongue worked its way through my mouth with perfection, turning my butterflies into nervous creatures.

When I pulled back for air, his eyes were fixated on mine. Something seemed to be bothering him.

"I love you," he blurted out of the blue. I was shocked, looking up at him.

We had been dating for a while, but not as long as I would take to say those three words. But he seemed sure. As if it were something he'd been wanting to say for a very long while now.

And then I saw it; the glimmer in his eyes, the insanity and the sureness of his choice. He smiled.

I couldn't do anything but join him in his happiness.

"I love you, too," I whispered, barely audible.

But he heard it. And he loved it. So he grabbed my face once more, kissing my lips with a deeper passion than before.

"So happy," he said in between kisses.


"You make me so happy," he explained, kissing my cheek and then my forehead.

I blushed, which caused him to chuckle, knowing I was usually one to keep my full confidence and cool.

"Come on," he said, getting off the stool and grabbing my hand, "let's go dance."

I smiled, hopping off my chair and following him into the crowd under the neon lights.

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