Singapore ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Lando Norris*

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"And that's P2 for Lando and P7 for Oscar! What a great race!" the comms sounded through the headphones. The whole team rushed out to receive Lando down at the paddock and I followed, excited and oh-so happy.

He climbed out of the car and immediately ran towards the crowd, practically throwing himself onto the railing to hug everyone.

"Yes! Go on, Lando!"


"What a race!"

"Great job, mate!"

The only thing being shouted out were compliments. And those were well rewarded. He passed all the engineers and mechanics, shaking hands and hugging them.

And then it came: the big hug with Carlos, his former teammate. I had never seen him happier.

They laughed and hugged, and cameras flashed as he finally stepped back and removed his helmet, drinking some water and putting on his cap. He weighed himself before stepping back to the railings.

"Y/n!" he called. The team stepped aside to let me get to him and I thought I saw his smile grow even more when he spotted me.

"P2 Lando! I'm so proud of you!" I said as he pulled me in for a tight hug, kissing my cheek.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Y/n, I love you so much," he laughed and pulled me in for a kiss.

The guys around cheered and applauded, making us smile into our kiss.

"I love you, too," I said in his ear before he pulled back and celebrated with the guys again before walking over to his interview.


After an exciting champagne spike and celebration with Carlos and Lewis, Lando returned to the changing rooms and I followed the crew back to the box. They were bringing everything inside and preparing to seal off the doors so the logistical team could pick everything up for tomorrow.

We then all went up to the lounge to celebrate the amazing podium and found many of the other teams already there, having a drink or two. The ambience was beautiful; everyone was laughing, cheering, taking pictures and singing along to the songs playing in the lounge.

I saw Gasly and Leclerc, as well as Oscar in the back. He waved at me and I waved back, making my way towards him. Russell wasn't there, and neither was Red Bull.

"Hey, Oscar! Congrats, that was amazing!" I smiled as we hugged each other.

He chuckled and looked at the ground before raising his gaze to meet mine: "Thanks, we did good."

"You really did," I said, "the team couldn't be prouder."

This made Oscar blush and I excused myself before stepping towards the bar.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked while cleaning a cup and placing it on a shelf behind him.

"A gin and tonic, please," I answered and the bartender nodded.

"Make that two," someone said. I turned around to see Russell standing next to me. He looked disappointed in himself.

George and I had known each other before he introduced me to Lando a couple of years ago. We used to go karting together when we were younger, which ultimately brought him to where he is today.

We lived close to each other.

"You okay?" I asked gently, not wanting to push him. He only nodded, not wanting to speak about it.

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