Friend? ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Max Verstappen

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The evening is calm, fun and filled with happiness as they sit on the sofa, playing their cards on the coffee table.

"Ha!" one of the men of the evening shouts, "I got you good with that one. There's no way you can beat it."

"Really?" asks one of the women, challenging her friend, "well, how's this?"

He stares at the card she laid in disbelief: "No, you cheated. That's impossible!"

Y/n watches as her best friend and their common friend have a funny argument. She's been wanting them to get together for ages, but they've been stalling a lot.

"Y/n can prove it," her friend suddenly says, "right Y/n?"

She looks down at the card her bestie just laid and shrugs at their buddy: "Sorry, bud, there's nothing you can do but surrender. We did it," she points at herself and a half-asleep Max Verstappen next to her, "so you can, too."

The shocked man sighs and puts his cards down, causing Y/n's best friend to cheer and laugh.

"You owe me a drink!" she shouts after her opponent who left the living room to get a beer from the fridge.

"Do you want something, Y/n?" she asks, standing up.

"No thanks," she Y/n smiles as her best friend walks into the kitchen.

The night progresses and they turn on the TV to watch a football match. Max and Y/n sit on opposite sides of the couch as Max's buddy tells them about hilarous stories.

"Max was red. And I mean red like you've never seen before. Just because a girl had never even looked at him."

Y/n laughs, and Max glances at her, finding himself smiling, too.

After a while, she gets up and heads into the kitchen to grab a snack: "You guys want anything?"

"Ooh, there's strawberries in the fridge!" Y/n's bestie requests.

Max gets up: "I'll help you."

Y/n smiles and they head over to the kitchen. She opens the fridge, grabs the strawberries, all while seeing Max quietly wait and watch her do her things.

"Y/n?" he finally says, making her look up at him.

"What is it?" she asks, giving him a sweet smile which he can only give back.

"I was thinking. We've known each other for a really long time, and you mean a lot to me. You're one of my closest friends-"

"Friend? I don't think you really want to be friends with me anymore, Max."

He frowns, confused at what she's saying: "What do you mean, I care about and we have fun together and-"

"I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking," she says.

He stops, pausing his thoughts and waiting for her to continue. This wasn't the way he thought she would react.

She turns towards him and steps forward, leaning sideways against the counter. His gaze slowly lowers to her closeness, taking in her scent.

"I know you can't stop watching me when I'm focused. I know you glance at me any time I laugh."

He begins to get red, realizing his feelings for her aren't secret.

"How my smile makes you smile," she grins, and sure enough, a soft smile peeks through Max's lips.

She smirks, crossing her arms and looking up at the Dutchman: "You can't keep your eyes off me."

Max smiles calmly, gently grabbing one of her hands and pulling it up to his mouth: "I know."

He kisses her knuckles leaning down to her ear to whisper: "You make me weak."

The Dutchman lets go of her hand, grabs his beer bottle and makes his way out of the kitchen, leaving a completely shocked Y/n behind.

"Holy shit."

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

A/n: just a little something to keep you entertained  while I'm on vacation in Brazil :)

Happy Valentine's Day sweethearts💕

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