🎄Day 7 - OP81🎄

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"I'm afraid out of everyone to get stuck on an elevator with, you got me."

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"Uh- hold it, please!" I heard, causing me to quickly react and shove my arm in the gap between the door and the wall.

The elevator doors opened again, revealing a young and handsome man with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Pardon me," his Australian accent said, "It's quite a long way up the stairs."

"No worries. What floor?" I asked and he realised he hadn't pressed a button.

"Right, 18th, please," he said and I pressed the round button.

"Thanks," he responded.

The doors finally closed and the elevator began to move upward.

I was heading to a job interview and couldn't keep my excitement.

And the reason changed in less than a minute.

"I'm sorry," I said, "but I can't help it. I'm such a fan of your driving."

He turned to me, surprised and it put a smile on his face.

"Really? Wow, thank you, I don't meet my fans very often."

I smiled: "Well believe me, there's lots of us out there."

He smiled with a blush on his face, turning to lean against the wall so that he was facing me.

It made me smile to myself.

"So what are you here for?" he asked and I turned towards him as well.

"Um, I've got an interview," I smiled.

"Oh, nice, what job?" He seemed interested in what I had to say and it gave me an unbelievably proud feeling of myself.

"Well, it's a position in-"

The lights suddenly flickered and a harsh metallic sound echoed. Then the elevator began shaking, we lost our balance before it came to a stop.

I felt my blood leave my face and held onto the railing. The Aussie seemed scared as well, but he kept his cool.

"Are you all right?" he asked, coming towards me to help me stand back up.

"I think so, you?" I answered. He grew a soft blush and nodded.

We looked around the elevator and spotted the emergency light.

"Great," I said, looking at my watch, "lunchtime just started."

"Which means?" he asked.

"Which means, we'll be stuck here for at least another two hours because the receptionist who checks the elevators doesn't come back until two."

He grabbed his phone with a glimmer of hope but quickly gave it up again: "And there's no signal either."

"Great, so, we wait," I offered a sympathetic smile and he chuckled.

"I'm afraid out of everyone to get stuck on an elevator with, you got me," he said, sitting down in one of the corners.

"Well," I said, sitting down as well, "I count myself lucky."

He smiled, sighing quietly.

"What's your name?" he looked up.

"Y/n," I answered. He whispered the name to attempt it on the tip of his tongue.

"That's a really nice name, Y/n," he said, making me blush.

We continued talking for a while, laughing and giggling along the way.

He seemed so easy to talk to, and so adorable.

We heard a distant metallic noise but decided to ignore it.

"Um, Oscar?" I pulled myself together.

"Yes?" he said, leaning his head back.

"Do you think it might be possible for us to grab a cup of coffee some time?"

My heart was pounding, my hands shaking and sweaty.

He thought, but only for a short while: "Yeah, I think that would be really nice."

I blushed again and suddenly we heard the sound of the elevator starting up again before it began moving down to the ground floor.

I wasn't going to do the interview and it was time for Oscar to leave, too. When the elevator halted on the ground floor, we exited the metal box and I turned to him one more time.

"Thank you for making this experience easier on me," I said. He chuckled and nodded: "Of course."

"All right," I said, "I'll text you a good time for a coffee?"

He nodded, stepping towards me. I received a warm hug before he pulled back and said: "I'll see you soon, Y/n."

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