🎄Day 3 - GR63🎄

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"They want to see my amazing girlfriend, they'll see my amazing girlfriend!"

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"Oh! Hahaha, right there!" his laughter echoed through the whole apartment, all the way down to the cellar.

I shook my head with a smile on my face as I read my book, and snuggled up with a cup of tea while it rained outside.

George was live on Twitch during lockdown, his weekly ritual. It brought noise into the silent apartment and felt comforting.

Every now and then I would go up and bring him snacks or something to drink, but never let the fans see my face.

It felt like being one of the adults in a Tom and Jerry episode.

When he called me onto the live, I would occasionally say something, but not much. It caused the fans to start asking questions about me.

Goerge told me they wanted to know more and more about me, and we had talked about me potentially appearing in one of his lives one day.

So we settled on the promise that if the fans asked about me again in the next live, I would show my face for a while.

We felt it was a big step in our relationship, to slowly leak it to the public. I had never gone to one of his races, so seeing the two of us together in public was rare.

I heard George laugh upstairs again and smiled, putting down my book. I finished drinking my tea and washed the mug before making my way up the stairs and to our shared bedroom.

The apartment had gotten a bit chilly, so I changed into a pair of grey kimono pants and a loose cotton poncho.

And then I heard it: "Yeah, she's great!"

I grinned, knowing that at any given moment, George would call me.

It took a while, but George eventually raised his voice: "They want to see my amazing girlfriend, they'll see my amazing girlfriend!"

I chuckled to myself.


"Yeah?" I shouted back.

"Come here, the fans want to see you!" George shouted. I felt excited and checked my outfit in the mirror one more time just in case something looked weird.

Alex had told us the fans could be harsh on Twitch sometimes.

I rushed over to his gaming room, then slowed down to enter the room. I walked over to him the way I always did- my face wasn't visible to the fans.

"They want to meet you," he said more quietly to me. I smiled down at him and grabbed a stool that was standing next to his desk and sat down on it.

My hair fell in my face and I used both hands to remove it and let the camera finally see my face.

George grabbed a second pair of headphones and gave them to me. I put them on and looked at the screen.

George only ever smiled at me and every now and then checked the comments. Most of them were positive, reassuring and kind.

Some were stupid comments about my clothing, some about hair and others even about my face.

But George and I knew to brush over them. We had talked to a lot of people about this before deciding we were strong enough to confront it.

George concentrated on answering the questions whereas I added comments where I wanted. Soon enough the comments stopped being negative.

The people realised that they didn't harm us, and so found it boring.

I smiled up at George, proud of ourselves for doing this. His expression said the same.

He grabbed my hand out of the camera's view and I intertwined our fingers.

He squeezed my hand once and I returned with two squeezes. It made him smile even more before he went back to playing his game.

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