🎄Day 6- PG10🎄

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"Aww, baby, are you okay?"

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"Pierre, I'm home! Would you help me with the groceries?"

There's no answer.

"Pierre?" I look at my watch. 11.36 am. He should be awake already.

Leaving the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, I walk up the stairs to our shared bedroom, finding Pierre wrapped up in blankets, with lots of tissues around him.

He sees me and his sick voice croaks: "Hey, baby."

I immediately feel bad and make my way towards him, sitting on the edge of the bed as he wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my lap.

"Aw, baby, are you okay?" I ask, gently caressing his head, and massaging his roots.

He closes his eyes: "I think I'm sick."

Just as he said that he turned away from me and coughed into a tissue.

"Sorry," he said, sliding away, "I don't want to pass it on to you."

"Hey," I said, getting closer to him, "I'm here to take of you no matter what, Pierre. Now you get some rest and I'll make you some soup."

He nods and gives me a soft smile. I lean down to kiss his forehead, feeling how hot it is.

"Oh, Pierre, you might have a fever, I have to go grab the thermometer, hold on," I slip out of the bedroom and walk towards our bathroom, opening the medicine cupboard to grab some ibuprofen and the thermometer.

I also go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water before bringing everything back upstairs to Pierre.

His eyes are closed, and I feel bad for having to wake him.

"Hey," I gently shake him until he opens his eyes, smiling when he sees me.

"Here. Take this, and drink all the water, please," I explain while grabbing the thermometer.

Pierre does as I say and soon enough I stick the thermometer under his armpit, waiting for it to beep.

While I work to take care of him his hand slides onto mine.

I give him a gentle smile. His fingertips stroke over my hand, leading to intertwining them with mine.

I lean down and kiss his knuckles, showing him that he doesn't owe me anything.

The thermometer finally beeps, and I check his temperature. Yep, it's definitely a fever. And a rather high one, too.

"Okay, I'm gonna go make your soup, you just try and rest as much as possible and call me if you need anything, okay?"

He nods and I stand up to walk out of the bedroom.


I turn around on the threshold: "Yes?"

He smiles: "Nothing, I just wanted to see the girl's face whom I love again."

I blush, walking towards him and leaning down to kiss his forehead again.

"I love you too, Pierre, now get some sleep."

He smiles as I walk back towards the door and down the stairs to make him some soup.

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