🎄Day 22 - OP81🎄

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"Come on, let's go skate."

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Children's laughter sounds from all around us, some playing catch and some starting snowball fights. It's pretty cold, but nothing we can't handle after having spent a month in the UK in the grey and windy weather of London.

We wanted to try out something new for the festive season this year and decided not to spend Christmas and New Year's with his family in Australia, but rather in the snowy, cold streets of the United Kingdom.

Oscar surprised me and told me to wear comfortable clothes I felt cute in. Luckily, I knew what the program for the day was, or I would've panicked.

"You don't have to worry about your clothes," he said, "anything you wear that you feel comfortable in is fine."

I laughed when he said that, to which the answer was a frown. But I hugged him and told him not to worry about it.

"Wear your nice coat," he advised, which made me smile.

We took the underground to get to where we were going, and we sat in the metro, his hand intertwined with mine while it rested in my lap. We always sat like this, wherever we went.

At family dinners, team outings, and relaxing with friends, his hand was always on my thigh. It didn't take long for me to realise the sense of my skin touching his hand calmed him.

When we began dating, it made me nervous, like he was constantly making a move for something more serious.

But the lust-filled touch soon turned into something familiar; a sense of safety I felt and needed when he was around.

As soon as the next stop Temple was announced, Oscar and I stood up and walked towards the tube doors. We soon arrived and stepped off the rather empty district line train.

I held onto his hand while walking up the dirty steps and out into the fresh, cold air. We could already see the Somerset house and arrived less than two minutes later.

"You ready?" he asked, squeezing my hand once.

I frowned: "For what?"

And then I saw it. A giant ice skating rink right in the middle of the Somerset house. With colourful lights and the most amazing-looking Christmas tree in the centre.

(P.S., yes, it's the same place Pierre and Kika went ice skating a couple of weeks ago ;) )

"Oh, my-" I began, but my own words interrupted me, "Oscar this is amazing!"

He chuckled, bringing my hand up to his lips to kiss my knuckles: "I'm glad you like it, but we're here to try it out, so let's go."

While walking, I kept praising his choices: "Oscar this is the best thing ever. An ice rink is not something I would've come up with, respectfully."

We stepped over to where we could pick up our shoes and began putting them on. Oscar quickly finished, stepping over to me and kneeling in front of me, tying the other ice skate.

I tied the other and then stood up myself, still shorter than Oscar as I grinned up at him. He laughed, putting an arm around my waist.

"Come on, let's go skate," he offered, taking my hand and pulling me with him and onto the ice rink.

At first, it was really slippery and my hands were frequently used to hold onto Oscar. But I can't say he was doing much better.

He slipped sometimes, holding onto the railings and I thought I saw him muttering something like "oh shit" every two seconds.

But after a while, I got used to the ice and began skating more freely around the rink. Oscar took his time but eventually joined me in making my round at the rink.

We held each other's hands again, enjoying our time together.

"Thank you, Oscar," I said, looking at him. He smiled and nodded: "Of course. I wanted to spend some good time with you, Y/n, you're important to me and-"

"Oscar Piastri! Oscar Piastri!" we suddenly heard, turning our heads towards the sound. It was three boys, about twelve years of age that came rushing to our end of the rink.

Oscar chuckled when he saw the fans come towards him.

"Good morning," he said, earning multiple answers.

"Can we have a photo, Mr Piastri?" one of them asked, holding his phone up.

"Of course," Oscar said, standing behind the boys.

"Would you like me to take the picture?" I asked, to which Oscar grinned and the boys were shocked.

"Yes, please," one of them said.

He handed me his phone and I took some good photos of the boys with Oscar.

They got extremely excited when I handed them their phone back and said goodbye to Oscar. The two of us went back to skating when Oscar suddenly stopped and seemed to have an open conversation himself as he murmured some words.

"Hey," I skated up to him, "is everything all right?"

Oscar nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the middle of the skating rink, swaying to the sound of music.

"Everything," he said, "is perfect."

I frowned, knowing he only spoke like this when he was up to something: "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he began, "yet."

I frowned, and at that moment everything stopped. I only ever saw Oscar sinking to one knee and wondering if that wasn't getting wet and cold.

"Y/n," Oscar said, "you make me the happiest racer in the world. I'm blessed to have you as a fan and as the love of my life."

"Which is why, considering everything we've been through, I was to ask only one question to you."

I nodded, feeling the tears well up. At that moment everything went quiet and I could only hear my heartbeat.

"Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?"

I pressed my hands against my mouth: "Oh my god."

Oscar was holding a small black box with a beautiful diamond ring in it, innocently sitting on the cushion.

I never hesitated less in my life: "Yes," I said, "Yes, I will marry you!"

He laughed and stood up, putting the ring on my ring finger. We suddenly heard applause and only now did I realise we had a small crowd watching us get engaged.

It soon dispersed and only we were left. After a while, we left the ice skating rink and took some photos of course.

I looked down at my hand wearing the ring and then at Oscar, who was walking back to the hotel while holding my hand.


"Yes," he looked down at me.

"I love you," I said. He stopped walking and cupped my face, kissing my lips softly: "I love you, too."

We continued walking hand in hand.

It seemed familiar; like his hand on my thigh, and yet, it was something completely new.

Something better. 

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A/n: One more left!!! 

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