🎄Day 15 - LH44🎄

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"Who did this to you?"

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"Hey, babe," he announced as he stepped into the home, taking off his shoes at the entrance and placing his keys and sunglasses in a bowl.

He heard music coming from the bedroom upstairs; it was intriguing and at the same time strange.

The two had been living together for a couple of weeks. It was a huge step in their relationship, risky, considering they had only been going out for about a week before it happened.

But they trusted each other and decided to take a leap of faith. And sure enough, they cuddled close to watch TV together and felt at home with each other.

What they hadn't done yet, though, was sleep with each other. And Lewis knew it was a rather sensitive subject for Y/n, though he never really understood it.

So, he respected her and told her multiple times for her to take the time she needed and not rush into things for his sake.

Lewis followed the sound of the calm music, reaching their shared bedroom in no time. It was still rather cold in England where they had bought a winter home.

It was grey and windy, cold and dark. Perfect for a day at home. So while Y/n slept in the morning, Lewis went to one of the last team briefings before the holidays.

He enjoyed kissing his girlfriend's forehead before leaving; she always looked like an angel to him while asleep.

"Hey," he said, passing over the threshold, "good morning."

She frowned: "Morning? You spent all day at HQ and didn't text me once, I think I deserve more than just a good morning."

Lewis chuckled, stepping towards her and kissing her left cheek: "Hi."

She smiled, blushing as she wrapped her arms around him.

He did the same, pressing his lips against hers. She let him guide her through the kiss and they slowly walked towards the bed.

Lewis lowered her onto the edge, leaning forward and continuing to kiss her as he held her hands in his.

"How was your day?" he asked as he kissed her neck.

"It was good," she said quietly, "but I missed you."

He felt himself long for something more, so he kissed her collarbone.

"Lewis," she pushed him back and he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-"

She interrupted him: "Lewis I want to do this tonight."

He was surprised: "Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"Words, baby."

"Yes, Lewis. I want this. I want you."

He smiled, continuing to kiss her. As the makeout went on, he began to lift her shirt and immediately felt her get nervous.

Just as he was about to question why, he felt something underneath his fingertips.

He froze, looking at where his hands were and seeing a thin, long scar on the side of her body.

A sudden rage filled him and he looked back up at her: "Who did this to you?"

She gave him a look of guilt and the rage he felt disappeared. Only the fear remained.

"I- it was a long time ago, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Y/n," Lewis began, "you can trust me with this, you know that."

She hesitated but soon nodded. And then she began telling him about a past relationship she had with an abuser.

How he constantly controlled her, never letting her decide for herself. And that one day he went too far when he wanted something from her.

"I couldn't go to the cops, because he was one. They would just think I was stupid."

"You're not stupid, Y/n. Don't let anyone ever tell you that."

She smiled and felt a tear slip down her cheek.

Lewis wiped it away with his thumb, caressing her skin gently.

"You are the most beautiful person I know on this planet. And I will always love you for who you are entirely."

She smiled again, blushing when he kissed her cheek once more.

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