🎄Day 10 - DR3🎄

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"Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"

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"Beach days in Australia. What more could you want?"

"And to make it even better, it's a beach day with Daniel's racing buddies Max and Lando."

"Yeah, the ones I told you about, mum."

"Yes, the Honey Badger!"

"Of course! I'll send you lots of photos."

"Yes, okay. All right, I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Bye, love you!"

I put down my phone and sighed with a smile, looking out the window. The beach was just there. Twenty steps away from heaven. The silky sand, the blue waters. It felt like paradise.

"Who was that?" I heard.

Daniel leaned against the table, taking a sip from a water bottle. His hair was salty and his swimming trunks were sandy. He and another friend had gone surfing in the morning.

"Uh, my mum," I answered.

"Aw," he said, "tell her I say hi next time."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, and he winked at me. He watched as I stood up from the sofa, reorganising it. It distracted him, but he kept his composition together.

As I finished putting the pillows back in their original place, he had to snap himself out of it.

"Right," he said, putting the water bottle down, "ready for a swim?"

I nodded: "Yep, just let me change into my bikini and we can go. Are the boys here yet?"

I stepped towards him, placing my book on the counter. He watched me closely and smiled down at me even though I wasn't looking. His hands were placed behind him as he leaned on the counter, looking down at me.

"They're down at the beach, drinking. So I suggest we get there before they're drunk, pretty girl," he smirked.

When I saw the expression that went with those words, I laughed, walking away and upstairs to my room. There, I changed into my bikini and a long beach dress over it. I grabbed my bag and sunglasses, heading downstairs to meet with Daniel.

I didn't have to wear shoes. None of us touched a pair of flip-flops since we landed here.

Life was going well.

When we got to where Max and Lando were, Daniel slowed down and snuck up on them to scare them. Max wasn't impressed, but Lando, who- poor guy- had fallen asleep on his chair, was scared to death when he saw Daniel.

"All right! Come on, let's get into the water!" Daniel announced, putting his items on the ground.

I put my bag down and took off my sunglasses.

"Hey, Y/n," Max came up from next to me and pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Hey," I answered, "how are you? How's Kelly?"

"Really great, thank you."

"Lando," I smiled at the poor English boy, who gave me a grin.

After a while of talking and swimming the sun set and the warmth of the water disappeared. We went back to the fire the boys had built and sat around it as I huddled close to Daniel.

Lando and Max left a while ago because their hotels were a rather long drive from the beach.

"It's so pretty under the stars," I said.

It felt so cozy sitting on the ground, wrapped in a blanket with the only other illumination being the fire in front of us.

"But they're not as pretty as you, though," Daniel winked at me.

I laughed, turning to face him, but he was serious. I frowned.

"Are you flirting with me?!" I asked quickly after seeing it.

But his response was even better: "You finally noticed?"

I smiled, looking back out towards the ocean. Daniel's comment made me blush.

"And what are you gonna do about that?" I asked.

"Hmm," he thought, "I still have to decide. It's the first time you actually notice it."

I smiled: "I'm sorry I didn't notice."

"No worries," he said, inching closer, "we have time."

I felt myself get nervous and my cheeks heated up, not being able to make eye contact with him.

"What do you think?" he asked, gently lifting my chin, "You and me?"

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered as never before: "I don't know, how would we even start something like this?"

"Easy," he shrugged.

The next thing I know his hand is on my cheek, pulling me in and gently kissing my lips.

I held his strong arm with one hand, the other wrapped around his jaw and neck.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"How's that?" he asked.

I smiled with a blush: "Perfect."

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