Queen of Diamonds ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Carlos Sainz*

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His large hand held mine as we stepped down the entrance of our home, towards the grey Ferrari 812 Competizione that stood parked in the driveway. The grey dress around my body held up quite nicely as I carefully walked down the pavement. It matched Carlos' car, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

He was wearing white trousers and a grey linen shirt to match. His shoes were grey, mine matched the dress. I pushed my Coco Chanel sunglasses back up as his hand released from mine and found itself on my lower back, gently guiding me towards the car.

He opened the passenger door and held my hand again as I climbed into the vehicle. He seemed concentrated on his thoughts, but his gentlemanlike behaviour never ceased to exist.

Carlos climbed into the driver's seat and gently shut his door before putting on his seatbelt. He looked over at me and I took off my sunglasses to look him in the eyes. He smiled, grabbing something from the backseat. When he came back with it, I saw a camera I knew too well.

It was Lando's Leica. Carlos had asked to use it on the weekend and Norris agreed, only if he could add some to his collection. I had some knowledge in the area so I giggled when Carlos pointed the camera at me and started taking some pictures.

I put my glasses back on and posed for a couple before he put the camera down and started the car's engine.

"That's enough, we're going to be late, chica," he says, placing a hand on my thigh as he uses one hand to drive onto the road. We head into the centre of Madrid, causing many heads to turn in the direction of the car.

We drove to the Ramón Freixa Madrid fine-dining restaurant, where we would meet Lando, Daniel, Pierre and Charles for dinner. They were in town for a while before the flight to Canada for the next Grand Prix.

While he drove, I grabbed the camera and took some black-and-white pictures of him, some of which turned out great. I also took some photos of the town, the people cheering and waving hello.

When we arrived, Carlos parked the car right in front of the restaurant, by the street. We got out, some cameras already flashing in our direction. He waited for me to reach the sidewalk and grabbed my hand again as we stepped into the building. I held Lando's camera and my purse in the other.

Carlos looked good. His hair was voluminous and he smelled like freshly cut wood and ocean breeze.  I was content to be walking next to him as we stepped to reception.

"Ah, señor Sainz. Por favor, sígame por aquí," the man said, before walking through the restaurant, us following. We passed many curious faces and reached a private balcony just past some glass doors.

As the doors opened, you heard the laughter of the four men sitting at the table, sipping on glasses of wine. When they saw us, they cheered and stood up to greet us.

"Carlos! You're late, man," Ricciardo laughs, making others chuckle.

"Beauty takes time, you wouldn't know," Carlos quickly answers, making the other laugh, "it's good to see you, Danny."

The Aussie stepped behind Carlos towards me: "Y/n, girl you look  amazing!"

I laugh, hugging Daniel: "Thanks, Danny. Not too bad yourself."

He chuckles, humbly accepting the compliment and giving Carlos a see-I-told-you look before stepping to the side.


"Lando!" I laugh, hugging him. We've known each other ever since Carlos joined McLaren. So, naturally, since we were the two youngest ones of the trio, we grew to be practically siblings. Ask Carlos. We can get extremely annoying at times.

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