🎄Day 8 - AA23🎄

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"Come sit on my lap, babe."

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As soon as the seatbelt light turned off, he stood up, walked towards her and grabbed a blanket from the overhead cupboard to put over her.

It was a long flight, and night flights get pretty cold sometimes. Alex made sure she was comfortable before returning to his seat and putting his feet up, grabbing a book to read.

After about an hour, he felt tired and turned off his light, falling into an easy sleep.

He woke up with the sound of the plane's toilet flushing. It never was something quiet enough. She was walking back quietly towards her seat when she saw him awake.

"Oh, sorry, babe," she felt bad. He shook it off: "It's fine. How are you?"

She smiled: "Good, but a little cold."

He was about to offer his hoodie when she interrupted him: "I already stole your hoodie."

It made him laugh, so he opened his arms: "Come sit on my lap, babe."

She giggled, rushing towards him and sitting in between his legs on the large plane seat.

He wrapped his blanket around them both and then slid his arms around her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

She closed her eyes, leaning back into him. The two felt secure in each other's arms, safe.

"Are you excited for the race?" she asked quietly.

He raised his head, leaning his chin onto her shoulder: "Always."

She chuckled and he kissed her neck: "How about you?"

Her response was the same: "Always."

She turned around on his lap wrapping her legs around him and her arms around his neck, leaning her head on his chest.

"What's wrong?" he asked, feeling her nervosity.

"I don't know, I'm just nervous because you didn't get confirmation for next season yet."

She looked up into his eyes but he only stared back with a grin on his face.

"Oh oh, what did you do?" she laughed.

"Well," he said, "I made sure my girlfriend wouldn't be nervous."

Her eyes widened: "You're-"

"In next year's grid, and the year after that, and the year after that."

"Oh my god!" she laughed excitedly, hugging Alex as tightly as humanly possible.

"I'm so proud of you," she said, pulling him into her.

He pressed his lips onto hers, his grip around her waist tightening. She only kissed back, her hands wandering through his hair.

After a rather long while he pulled back, looking into her eyes with nothing but love.

"You're such an angel," he whispered, making her blush.

"Dating the one and only Albono," she whispered back, his laugh causing her to smile.

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