Lambada ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Lewis Hamilton

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"Chorando se foi, quem um dia só me fez chorar..."

One of the most famous Brazilian intimate dancing songs played through the speakers on that renowned beach in Praia Grande, about one and a half hours away from the tracks. The F1 drivers were having a party at the beach.

It was Toto's idea to throw a party, and pretty much everyone else agreed. Coincidentally, I was one of the bartenders there that night. There were three bars: the restaurant, the indoor bar, and the outdoor bar by the beach.

My shift was outdoors that day, and thank god it was because I loved working outdoors, especially when we were hosting big parties such as this one.

Especially if the guests were somewhat famous, or in this case, the bloody F1 drivers. They've been here before. This party has been thrown every year since 2017.

I only started working here in March, so it's practically been the whole F1 season.

And the people are happy. There's some dancing, others talking and lots of laughing. That's why I love my job.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I stayed professional when Mr. Toto Wolff himself stepped to the counter.

"Just a round of beer for everyone to start," he answered with a polite smile.

I returned it: "Of course, coming right up."

I opened about 30 beers.

Each party member stepped up and thanked me for the beer I handed them.

"Thanks, love," I suddenly heard. It was the last beer I was handing out to no other man but Lewis Hamilton himself.

"You're welcome," I smiled politely and he gave me a wink before walking away.

My heart dropped. Was he being nice or was he flirting? Wait what, no get it together goddamnit.

He was being nice. He probably says that to everyone.

After handing out the beers, I cleaned the top of the counter and re-stocked the fridge with some beers.

While the music played I served other customers that came asking for drinks. After serving them, I put together the crown caps from the beer bottles and pushed them into a large bowl under the counter.

"You keep them?" I heard a voice.

It was Hamilton. He had come over to the counter to order a couple of drinks and instead was making small talk with the bartender.

I politely smiled: "A small company here in Praia Grande collects them and sells them to a recycling company. They then donate the money to an institute that works to minimize the number of homeless children in Brazil."

He seemed satisfied with the answer and leaned against the counter. He watched as his teammate, George began to dance with Toto and the others joined in, laughing.

"Not a dancer?" I asked, cleaning some glasses.

He smiled at me: "Oh, no, I can dance. Just not in the mood tonight."

I nodded, serving a customer who walked up to the counter.

"And you? I doubt serving guests at a bar is your day-to-day job," Lewis said, looking me in the eyes.

I lightly blushed, trying to hide my smile: "You're right. I'm a designer. Fashion designer."

He stood up straight and raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

I nodded.

"What's your work like?" he asked, completely interested and no longer looking towards his colleagues.

"I'd say it's unique. Others would say I'm crazy," I explained, "I think that's how most answered."

"I doubt that's true, love," he smiled. I blushed. He saw it and chuckled.

"What brings you to Brazil?" he asked, keeping the conversation alive.

"Work, mostly. The inspiration I get when I'm in my home country is just better than anywhere else," I say contently.

"Home country, huh?" he smiles. I nod, smiling as well.


We spent most of the night just talking to each other before Toto spotted Hamilton and came over, still pretty sober.

"What is this, no dancing Lewis?" he asked with a grin.

Lewis smiled: "Don't worry, I was just getting to know this amazing lady here."

I blushed, Toto smiled at me and put out his hand for me to shake.

"Toto," he introduced himself.

I shook his hand: "Y/n."

Lewis smiled when he heard me say my name. He watched me as I talked to Toto.

"Well, Y/n, are you going to dance?" he asked seriously.

I was confused: "Well, sir, the offer is very generous, but I'm on my shift-"

"Come on, no one's gonna notice for five minutes," Lewis offered his hand.

I hesitated for a while, but ultimately took it, walking out behind the counter and towards him. He was standing closer now, towering over me.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Vamos dançar, linda," he said flirtatiously. I blushed.

He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder, as well as the other. His hands found their way around my waist as we swayed to the sweet rhythm of Bossa Nova.

I looked up into his eyes and couldn't help but blush, looking away.

He only ever chuckled, saying things like: "Come on, love, I can't be that bad to look at."

To which I would laugh and look back up at him, smiling. He would find comfort in it and pull me in a bit closer.

"Has this ever happened to you before?" he asked.

"Dancing with a seven-time Formula 1 world champion? No," I joked.

"No," he chuckled, "meet someone when you least expected it."

I looked up at him in surprise. Though I knew how I felt about the English racer, I didn't think he was serious about his words. However, as his bartender for the night, I also knew approximately how much he had drunk before.

His eyes were a deep shade of brown, but they seemed to shine a navy blue in the lighting at the beach.

"No," I answered, "I haven't."

"And what do you think?" he asked.

I frowned: "About what?"

He smirked: "About getting some coffee together tomorrow morning at the paddock?"

I felt myself getting excited with every one of his words: "But I don't have any tickets."

He shook his head: "Let me worry about that."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck: "Is this your way of asking me out?"

"I thought it was obvious," he chuckled.

I smiled, leaning forward to peck his lips. He was taken aback but proceeded to peck mine back.

Both of us were smiling. Until we heard a sudden voice: "All right. Tomorrow morning at the paddock at eight there will be hot coffee waiting for both of you at the Mercedes garage."

Toto was grinning next to us, a beer bottle in his hand. When I saw it, I realised how long I had been gone from the bar.

I let go of Lewis and began turning towards the bar.

"Come over to the paddock at eight, I'll pick you up from the entrance," he said.

I blushed, stepping back towards him and leaving a small kiss on his cheek: "I will. Thank you, Lewis."

"No problem, love. It was nice meeting you," he smiled.

I blushed: "You too."

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