🎄Day 18- OP81🎄

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"Jeez, this thing is getting old."

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"Oscaaaar," he heard as footsteps came up the stairs and towards the bedroom. They were staying in the house he grew up in for a family reunion, and he was excited to show her everything about his childhood.

"Yes?" he looked up from the book he was reading while comfortably sitting in bed, under the warm covers.

She grinned as if she had discovered a dark secret: "Your mum told me a story."

"What's that?" he asked, knowing it couldn't be good.

"She said," his girlfriend began, "that you used to read to your sisters when you were small, and that it was always the same, specific story in the same, specific book."

Her words rolled off her tongue as she crawled onto the bed, getting comfortable under the covers.

He nodded and chuckled: "That's true, I did use to do that."

She smiled at him and he grinned: "Would you like me to read to you?"

"Oh, please," she chuckled, pulling the blanket over her shoulders and getting close to Oscar.

He smiled. The two had been together for a little over a year now and felt closer to each other with every passing day.

Oscar grabbed a small, rather old book from the shelf beside him and opened the first page: "Jeez, this thing is getting old."

She chuckled, watching him work. Soon enough her head was on his lap as he told the story of the little old book in his hand.

He felt nostalgic while reading the story like it was his sisters sitting around him and not his girlfriend lying on his lap.

After a while, he noticed her eyelids drop slightly and stopped reading.

"Noo," she murmured through her sleepy voice, "I wanna hear the end of the story."

Oscar felt flattered but realised more than half of the book remained to finish reading it. So he turned the next page around and continued reading to her.

Moments later she did indeed fall asleep right on his lap, her breath deep and arms wrapped around him.

Oscar gently put the book away and tried slipping further into the bed before turning off the lamp next to him.

"Good night, babe," he said quietly, kissing his girlfriend's forehead.

"Night," he suddenly heard, realising she was awake.

"I love you," he turned towards her and put his forehead on hers.

She smiled through her closed eyes, kissing the tip of his nose: "I love you, too."

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